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Apr 03, 2002 18:35

Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimics are caught in the devastating & addictive binge-purge cycle. The Bulimic eats compulsively & then purges through self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, strict diets, fasts, vigorous exercise, or other compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain. Binges usually consist of the consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time. Binge eating usually occurs in secret. Bulimics, like Anorexics, are also obsessively involved with their body shape & weight. The medical complications of the binge-purge cycle can be severe &, like Anorexia, can be fatal.

"Ladies & gentlemen,
I have it on very good authority that the quest for perfection our society demands can leave the individual gasping for breath at every turn. This pressure inevitably extends into the way we look. Eating disorders, whether it be Anorexia or Bulimia, show how an individual can turn the nourishment of the body into a painful attack on themselves..."
- Diana, Princess Of Wales
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