Things that I've liked lately

Sep 17, 2009 13:15

Just finished Series 1 of Heroes on DVD last night. I absolutely loved it and would highly recommend it to anyone who's not seen it already. I had to fight tooth and nail to persuade Dan to even watch it in the first place due to his adament opinion that it was going to be 'Americanised bollocks'. But we were seriously impressed and can't wait to get Series 2 now.

We've also just started watching Warehouse 13 on SciFi. This is a genius series from across the pond about two FBI agents who are assigned to look after the aforementioned warehouse which contains all manner of spooky and supernatural artifacts. It's been marketed as a cross between X-Files and Indiana Jones and I did worry before watching that the leading roles would be Mulder and Scully clones. In fact they are very different: the show is much, much wittier than anticipated and is overall thoroughly enjoyable.

Last week when I was off work I finally got around to reading 'The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl'. Having seen the drastically watered down ITV2 version with Billie Piper I wasn't quite sure what to expect. It was a very amusing read although I didn't quite understand the extent of the re-write for television. Granted there is much in the book which is unlikely to ever see the light of day on British TV but there were also some brilliant moments that could have been included. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy reading diaries - Alec Guiness's 'My Name Escapes Me' - is one of my favourite books when I need cheering up.

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