Losing a car is not the end of the world or indeed the holiday

Aug 20, 2009 18:35

We're on holiday this week and as such had decided to travel to Leamington Spa (to see my sister), Nottingham (just because I'd never been there) and Peterborough (to see Dan's dad and for my cousin's wedding).

Yesterday, all was going swimmingly until about 12 miles outside Nottingham two boy racer idiots decided to slam on the brakes for fun, two cars in front of us. The guy in the car in front braked hard in response. What happened next seemed to take place in slow motion.

Dan braked hard but could see that he didn't have the time to miss the car in front. With extraordinary presence of mind he checked the oncoming traffic and saw a gap. He angled the car so that we missed the car in front which we found out later had a small girl in the back seat. Then he shouted to me that we were going to be hit (later on he said that he saw the smoke from the car behind). When the crash came he released the brake so that the impact was not as severe and the car slide sideways across the road. He managed to control the car so that when it mounted the opposite enbankment he missed all the trees. The whole things happened in about 10 seconds.

The retards that caused the crash sped off. The guy in front thanked Dan for missing him, his girlfriend and their daughter, gave a statement to the police and offered to drive us anywhere we wanted. The guy who hit us was lovely throughout and texted me later that evening to check we were ok. The policeman gave us a lift to the hotel and spoke to our insurance company at the scene. The insurance company had a hire car delivered to our hotel this morning.

The car is almost certainly a write-off but thanks to two boxes of Budweiser which absorbed the impact none of our luggage was damaged. Even the Bud didn't burst although we've got some interesting shaped cans.

Dan has got mild whiplash as he was bracing when we were hit and was still moving the wheel immediately after. I genuinely do not have a scratch, ache or pain despite us being hit at 60 mph. Needless to say that my already wonderful boyfriend has near hero status in my eyes now.

And even though this has been mildly inconvenient we're still thoroughly enjoying the holiday!


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