Curious and Curiouser

May 15, 2009 11:52

This morning I went downstairs, opened the living room curtains and was confronted by the following items in the back garden:
  • A pair of new-ish looking brown leather K-Swiss trainers
  • A small Pac-a-Mac, with the shop label still attached
  • What I thought was a sheet of tin foil on drapped over one of the flower pots which on closer inspection turned out to be some kind of burnt plastic.
The trainers were slightly underneath the garden table on the patio and the Pac-a-Mac was at the bottom of the garden by the fence. If you are facing the garden from the house there is one house to the left then the road with thick trees hanging over into that garden. To the right are three more houses. And at the bottom of the garden there is another house whose side-entrance goes across the back of our garden but trees seperate this area as well.

Given the positioning of these items I would say that it would be nearly impossible to have accurately thrown them in from the street or even from one of the other gardens - I looked out the bedroom window to see if I could see anything random in anyone else's garden. And whilst I won't put it past the cats to have brought in the plastic (the kitten is an avid collector of litter and worms at the moment) or even the mac, the shoes would have been too heavy.

So it looks as though someone has actually been in our garden during the night. When I get home tonight I'm going to try to find the owners of the trainer and mac by knocking on doors but if no-one claims them - or can explain what the hell they ended up there -  I think I will perhaps give the police a ring.

Amusing though this was this morning, the more I'm thinking about it, the more freaked out I'm getting . . .

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