That was the year that was . . .

Dec 24, 2008 10:44

Firstly I'd like to start by saying that I know several people who have not had the greatest of years. What follows next is in no way intended to make them or anyone else feel bad etc. If any of this comes across as smug feel free to tell me so and slap me with the wet fish of your choice.

But this year has been the first for me that I've had a lot to celebrate in a very long time and I do want to share it with you. Especially as my 2007 was pretty horrific from start to finish.

So here is what I am grateful for in the last 12 months:
  • Having some truly fabulous pets: George the lobster has been a source of constant amusement and fascination. Sam the kitten has just been so much fun and has ensured that I always have something to cuddle (whether he likes it or not!). And my darling Lucy has remained the sweetest, kindest, most adaptable cat despite going through a house move, venturing outside for the first time and the kitten invasion.
  • Moving house: we've escaped the Bay and found a great little house in an area we love. In fact we've fallen for Thornhill so much that we're now saving for a deposit to buy up here in a year or two.
  • Finally being a bridesmaid: I've wanted to for so long and in the mists of time even wrote to Jim'll Fix It to see if he could arrange it!
  • Going back to uni: this has laid so many ghosts to rest and despite being more tired than I thought possible I've really enjoyed it.
  • Having some amazing experiences at work: this year I have been taken to Edinburgh, attended the Welsh Woman of the Year awards, had my uni course paid for, won vouchers for a top restaurant and received some really great encouragement for all sorts of people. Not bad for a job I was supposed to stay one year in (it's been two and counting now!)
  • Really feel like I'm coming to terms with my arthritis. It has not been as aggressive as last year - no knee syringing since September 2007 - but has spread further. There is no doubt in my mind and very little in my doctor's that I have problems with my back which may not get better. But despite this I am more determined than ever that I will not let it stop me.
  • Finally accepting that I will always have some form of depression: this year, despite all the good times, I've also had some really bad lows. Trying to change my attitude to it has helped more than I thought it would and I can honestly say that it is almost unheard of for me to get this far into the festive season without having a big crash.
  • danbastardly getting through the year without being hospitalised. No third testicles, broken wrists or suspected brain tumours.
  • My friends - simply the best I could possible ask for.
  • And finally my Dan: 12 months ago we had split up, now we are stronger and more in love than we've ever been. It's not been easy and we'll always struggle to fully understand each other. But I know that I will never find a better bear.
I wish you all good health, love and peace for 2009

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