Botox numbs the face

Jan 14, 2005 15:18

So yeah..I am this close to losing it.
School is starting in a few days and I'm dreading it. Why? Well...I got a letter in the mail saying that I will lose my scholarship b/c my GPA is lower than a 3.25 at the moment. They want me to meet with this lady and talk about what happened and then I MUST get for the Spring 2005 semester at least a 3. 25. So yeah...I'm so screwed. My schedule this semester is my most challenging yet. I know now that I have to get rid of something and take an easier class but I can't. I'm graduating this fall. That is the plan. That's what I want. I only need 16 credits to graduate with a B.S. so why push for two more semesters I don't need!? Problem is...I have a few requirements in my major still left to complete. I have to take Organic Chemistry 2 with Lab, Evolution, a Developmental Science Elective class and 2 more upper level Labs. So yeah..this semester I got Orgo 2 and lab, Evolution, Immunology and Lab. The Immunology Class takes care of Developmental Science and the Lab takes care of one of the upper level labs. All of these classes are only offerred in the Spring. If I drop one than I will never be able to take it. I want to take Immunology. I'm going into Epidemiology...won't that be needed?  Ok..I'm going to stop rambling about it b/c it get so much more complicated and confusing and parents might have to end up paying more money if I change the schedule around. Something to do with credits.

I'm also getting a job! It's only three times a week but I'm going to be a telemarketer. It's on campus and I need the cash flow.

I'm also president of this group and we are having our annual retreat this year which I'm planning and i'm so scared. It's too much.

I'm getting this twitch in my left eye. I thought it was cuz I was tired but I slept and it's not going away. I think it's stress. CLASS DIDN'T START YET!!!

What should I do? Should I just keep my schedule and work my ass off? Should I just drop Immunology and take an easy class? I MUST get a 3.25..but at what expense? Next fall I can always take other classes for the requirements but no Immunology...BLAH I need to let go.

Alias was pretty alright. Nothing mind blowing. I'm just counting down till Sark. I enjoy Nadia though...I want her to be a bigger focus..her character has a sincerity and toughness which I totally can believe. I also love Weiss and Marshal. I want to see marshal and Sark eating together. That should have been shown. I mean ..seriously..that would be the best scene ever.

24 is kick-ass. I mean ..I've never loved Jack more. I love it when he goes nuts like this. So much fun. Holding up a gas station..GENIUS. have my babies jack..please.

Project Runway. I seriously love this's so interesting seeing how these designers create really awesome and creative outfits. I'm totally rooting for Jay. I have loved all his outfits so far.

that's it. I don't care for any other shows. Except reruns of West Wing on Bravo.

Waiting for Battlestar Gallactica to start. I think I will be a major fangirl for this series. Such an awesome cast and the angst is killer. LOVE IT.

Thanks to sprightliness for the Christmas package. The Rilo Kiley CD is awesome and the stickers are so cool. I TURN TO MY ESKIMO FRIENDS WHEN I'm DOWN...where did you get that? it's so cool. I like the Shark sticker too...but what is that from? I think I should know but I'm blanking.

sparksandclocks is a saint for dealing with my slackeritis. I am so going to get my butt up and work on that soundtrack. I know I sent you a few covers but I gotta get to them all. At least before I go back to school and die.

Miss you all. Congrats to lunasky for you know..GIVING BIRTH to the most beautiful baby ever. and Congrats to corngirl_jo for getting married. Wish both of you tons of blessings and fun with your new families.
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