Hey guys..sorry..have to make a quick post.
I mailed out the cards Saturday! They should be there by now. Lemme know if the delightful postal service lost it! I did get some amazing cards from
bekeroo and
life_in_m0n0. All of them are beautiful and decorating my desk right now. THANK YOU
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It's so weird that we move musically in sync. LOL...how cool!
The u2 album is pretty awesome. So many good songs ..I can't just choose one..but the cd blaz got me has this song called "fast cars" in it and it's only found in the packaged u2 set thingy. Lemme know if you don't have it. I'll send that b/c it's burned on cd and easier for me to send.
Oh man..I haven't visited colplay's website in what seems like forever!! Right now I'm going to do a play by play on the sounds and what they are saying for you.
ok..they are standing there and each say a part of the words "Happy Christmas" so chris starts and they go Ha Py Chris mas mas HA! and that I think Guy did that Ha part and they were like NO! And started laughing. And then they sang a christmaas song "...our little lord jesus asleep on the hay..." and then something "Christmas time something something" Blah..I suck at this. But I keep rewinding and I don't know this song . it's like a mix of an old song and a new one. Omg..Johnny and Chris playing games. Chris trying to be gangsta!! hah ....I'm so in the holiday spirit as a result of this. Anyway..at the end when the words merry christmas comes up you hear them singing "merry merry christmas daaaaayor something like that. Why is Johnny a pig..oh wait..that's Rudolph. LOL ANyway..at the end they are just trying to sing and they are all off and somebody goes really high on the last note and you hear Chris laughing..and say something like "now that was a good song" . LOL..how perfect they are. HAHA
ok..I will start working on the email...maybe eat lunch first. LOL
Hee, thanks for the info. *sigh* I live in hope for the Christmas when I receive Coldplay as my present. ;)
Re: sountrack- I should finally be able to send you Only When You Sleep by Longview, my friend said she'd give me the CD back soon. :)
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