OOC - because all the cool kids are doing it.

Aug 31, 2005 11:34


1) Littlebitbad - Dawn Summers
2) Decimabites - Emeric Featherstonehaugh
3) Veryverysorry - Laleiora-Deigna
4) Donttellora - Lord Belrande de Lacourte
5) queen_cordy_g - Cordelia Chase (29)
6) emmychase - Emily Chase
7) rayneonmyparade - Cordelia Deidre Rayne
8) majesticinnair - Queen Innair (deceased)
9) littlestinnair - Princess Elwyn and Lord Burik
10) didntdoithonest - Ethan Rayne
11) shewasgreatonce - Ankhesenamen
12) theywhispertome - Drusilla Sutcliffe
13) eitherwilldo - Narcissa Black
14) hereinspirit - Jenny Calendar-Rayne
15) spawnofstewie - Druie Darla Griffin
16) quitecharitable - Drusilla Griffin
17) amarisette - Lady Amarisette Talgarth
18) damilyro - Damilyro de Lacourte -
19) evenianamaris - Amaris de Lacourte-de Bevien
20) Anni_laroue - Lady Annye Laroue, Duchess of Darhaven, Spy Mistress of Isket.
21) Featheredbrat - Ilde Featherstonehaugh
22) Deedeeslost - Deedee Rayne
23) Toujours__noir - Bellatrix Lestrange (deceased)
24) Greta_stark - Greta Stark
25) Lordbyknight - Gairanos de Lacourte & Byronde de Bevien
26) Manor_born = Narcissa Malfoy
27) ms_paakkonen = Donna Sheppard-Crane
28) sevenandten = Septimus and Decimus Beauchamp
29) hatredandspite = Kathryn Mertuil
30) daddysshotgun = Richard Paakkonen
31) mslikestofight = Cordelia Giles (19)
32) _ goddamned _ = Satan/ael
33) wontbeforgot = Bellatrix Lestrange’s portrait.

Um. I've probably forgotten some. But those are like. The ones I have a list of. Dudes, if anyone knows other characters I play? REMIND ME.
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