
Feb 15, 2012 22:36

Anders knew that he should have refused to follow Hawke into the deep roads the moment the charming rouge had insisted he come. But for whatever reason he didn't, and now they were trapped in the blighted deep roads with hardly enough supplies to last them another week. If he was going to place fault in someone it should rightly be Bartrand, but he ( Read more... )

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wardennolonger February 19 2012, 01:19:44 UTC
"Perhaps, but not in the way you're thinking," Varric teased. There was sure going to be a line up at his door, but he expected much more beast than beauty; it was a draw back for being a lot of people's ;last resort'.

"What a shame," Varric said, all thin playful sympathy. "After an advenrure like this, you might be just about ready to start in the politics when we get back," he jested. "Trust me princess, I know a thing or two about politics."


Anders sunk deeply into familiar dislike of Fenris.

"You should learn all the facts about something before you start generating options," he scolded the elf further. "Their is no possible way for you to understand what happened between Justice and I that day. Don't you dare assume otherwise." In moving to defend himself Anders had given away more than he ever cared to. Maker, if he could only get his foot out of his mouth for five bloody moments...

"You should know better than to make assumptions, elf. Think of how it grates on you when people assume they know you because they think you are a slave."


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wardennolonger February 19 2012, 20:43:23 UTC
"I'm not going to lie; having a quick witted adviser who knows the politics game couldn't hurt any," Varric doubted the seriousness of her offer, but his mind toyed with the notion none the less. "I imagine the pay would be heavenly," he spoke dreamily, then breaking into a chuckle at the woman's second suggestion. "No reason I couldn't manage both jobs at once, is there?"

Varric peered through the dark, combing for any signs of a safe place to rest.

"I wouldn't be opposed; though to be honest, I'd rather just keep moving until we're out of this blighted place," he sighed heavily. "Are you carrying any rations? I have a little I can share, if need be."


Anders wanted to throttle Fenris in that moment. He had nothing to say other than "you should understand, you're just too blinded by your own stubbornness to bother trying." Anders could understand why Fenris was wary of magic, though he would never admit it out loud.A lifetime of being treated like a dog by power grabbing magisters didn't paint the nicest picture of mages, did it?

"You're out of The Imperium now, Fenris. Why don't you start looking to all the good magic can do, instead of focusing on how it had wronged you. It isn't as if you're short on examples of mages who use what power they have for good."


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wardennolonger February 20 2012, 20:56:42 UTC
"I'll keep an ear to the ground for your summons," Varric responded smoothly. I was a funny thing to imagine himself as the adviser for a princess who was equally beautiful and deadly; it sounded like the beginning for a bad romance novel, in his humble option.

"You need your beauty rest, I understand," he soothed, grinning wild. The dwarf cast one more appraising look around the darkness before settling into the alcove Decembra had sifted from the dim. "Bianca and I will be ready, just in case some lowly darkspawn feel the need to interrupt." It was his means of offering Decembra the first shift in sleeping, if she felt she needed it.

Varric reached into his pack and removed a crumbling cut of bread from wax paper; it was sweet but most of the moisture had dried from it due to age. He winced as he took a bite. "What I wouldn't give for a plate of fresh fruit," he grumbled, mostly to himself.


"Then why do you still harbor such resentment for every mage you see? Not every mage would be a magister," Anders felt the weight of his Tavinter amulet quite heavily under his robes. It was nothing more than a gift from Hawke, but it felt rather criminal in the current situation. "If anything, I would assume that mages would have your sympathies."

Anders was always up for a good debate, so he could almost admit that he was enjoying himself in having this conversation with Fenris. Almost.


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