Back!! (again again!)

Mar 01, 2004 21:33

WOW! so I havnt written in ages! *smacks hand* Bad Llama!!

so anyway, this is week 3 in my new job.. and its still good!! :) I am lovin it.. the only thing I dont like is that the girl I work with is ALWAYS late! GRRR (and if you dont know how I feel about LATENESS by now.. GRR) but anayway. I dont get RDO's or overtime or anything like that, but I get sick leave and holiday pay (although I'm not ELIGIBLE for holidays till I have worked there for 12 months.. so that kinda suck.. but I get paid out for my holidays when I leave!! heheehehe holy $1100 leaving bonus!! hehehe)

so anyway, I"m getting really into this whole squash thing! its so much fun.. I like the feeling of being (for once in my life) co-ordinated enough to play a sport like this!! granted - I pretty much suck ass but the guys at the squash court reckon I'm pretty bloody good for a beginner!! (I been playin for 3 weeks now) so I ben goin like 3 or 4 times a week, and I'm havin loads of fun.. not really making the oodles of new friends I thought I would - being the reason I decided to take up a sport in the first place but its all good. it'll come with time! I dunno why, but I've been doing this whole shy thing at the squash courts.. so very unlike me.. but I guess this is like a compleatly new scene for me.. the whole fitness thing!

but it means with my job now and sport a coupla times a week.. I hardly get to see the boy. I miss him so much. things are.. well, they are pretty good I guess.. but still a lil strained.. I dont really know what is going on.. but its better than it was a few weeks ago. so thats good
his cold sore is gone so I can kiss him again, which makes me feel better cause I hate not being kissed after the whole michael thing.

ooohhh but he took me bowling on saturday.. so that was heaps of fun! it reminded me why I like bowling in the first place, and now I"m trying to figure out how I can fit and extra 20 bucks into my budget every week for bowling.. AND I'd like to start shooting again too!! this sucks! I like.. need another job or something if I wanna do my sports that I like, but then I will have even LESS time to spend with boy/friends because of the added time of work AND shooting AND bowling!!

so anyway, I"m on this whole new "new me" kick at the moment, eating all healthy and playing sport and stuff.. its good that mum is home cause I am actually eating 3 meals a day instead of what I generally pass off as eating ;-p so, you know I'm glad cause I was getting all worried and stuff that I wouldnt be able to get out of the cycle of not eating for brekky and then some days skipping lunch as well.. mum and I are doing this all healthy stuff!! its so cool cause I acutully am eating fruit n shit :-)

umm.. what else.. all kinds of stuff is going on
I miss rhi a lot though.. she's all off n having fun n stuff. and its my birthday this weekend coming up, I"ll be 20.. I'll officially be not a teenager!! I like being in my teens!! I dont wanna be a 20 something! grr! and so yeah.. saddness. and I'm having this big party or something, and none of my friends can be botherd coming. so it'll be all robert mates, and he dont want to invite his girlfriends because he wants this his mates quinn and david to come along and they wont come if the girls do. and it like.. even though I'm not terribly good friends with the girls.. I know quinn and david even less!! grr! and he invited the girls from netball.. one of wich I really dont like, but I guess thats what you get for not having frinds of your own. I know I agreed to having these people there.. give the boy credit, he DID ask if it was ok to have some of the people he invited.. but there will be all these people I dont know.. and.. it just feels like its another one of his partys with all his mates n he'll have heaps of fun, I'll feel like a stick in the mud like I always do like I'm keeping him away from his friends and stopping him from having fun. grr. I dont want a birthday like that.. but yeah.. at least he will have fun. although I'm starting to regret having a party at all! bloody hell.
I dont like being a social butterfly.. I enjoy my own company, but at the same time I hate being so shut off that I dont even have any of my own friends to come to my own bloody birthday party!!

oh well.. enough ranting.. I have other stuff to do on my new "better person" list.. I'm going to try and clean up my mess a lil.

Queen Cazza - almost 20 something
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