Jan 23, 2004 12:06

welcome to the nuber zone *nuber zone theme music.. it sounds remarkabley the same as the twighlight zone theme music*

well.. I hate being a girl.
thought you should know. it sucks. more than our vaccum cleaner. although that isnt that big a deal at the moment, because I dunno where our vaccum cleaner IS at the moment.. I lost it. I dunno how LOSE a VACCUM CLEANER, but I did. Nuber cool. Nuber 1337.

so anayway, I have this OTHER job interview today, so thats all good n stuff.

I also have many an issue with my boy at the moment. and that is just nuber. nuberness blows. so anyway, I havnt felt this depressed n sad for like.. years, n thats scaring me cause I know where all this depression n shit leads and I have absolutly no intension of going through all that yet again. not that I"m going to tell you what "all that" is. so anyway, this is a bit different now cause I have friends and experiance n stuff.. and like people who actually care about me. unlike when we were in Innisfail.. and at least now my parents arnt so wrapped up in their god-damm selves that they make the whole problem worse.. well, exept for dad. but he's 800 kms away, so I spose it makes bugger all difference about him. one outta two aint that bad though is it?
grrrrraaaaaaaa. I just feel bad though. and I mean, I"m glad I have Rhi around cause she is nuber nuber (note the double negative, therefore making it positive, I"m not expecting non aussies to understand it.) but I feel bad for telling her all my shit cause she has enough of her own messed up issues to work through at the moment (no offence or anything Rhi, but its true.. you do) and now she's gunna be all "but I"m here for you anyway" which is cool, cause shes the best. but even still.

so anyway, to allieviate my depression and un-femminine, un-sexy (I heard that gasp kaleb, but yes.. its true) un-everything thoughts and feelings.. I went out and blew waaaay too much (ie: more than $1) money on getting my hair done! and now I feel all shallow and petty for trying to solve all my problems in a bloody salon. GRRR. I just cant win. I feel like that chick outta leagally blonde that goes and gets her nails done whenever shes upset or something. people like that piss me off. grrrrr.

so anyway.

but I ernt many a brownie point for showing up to skirtball (ie: netball) for the boy yesterday. so that was good.

BLAH! why do I have to feel so damm shitty! this just blows. damm my hormones and damm my boyfriend and damm my family! damm them all!!! (hehehe at least if they were all damms, we wouldnt be having water restrictions.. ) <-- ta dah! a classic example of caroline covering up real issues with dumb jokes so that I dont have to talk about it.

anyway, I'm going to take my petty self down stairs for a shower. and leave the rest of you pondering on how messed up I am (hahaha - poor kaleb.. bet you never guessed huh? ;-p and if duckloaf bothers to read this he's probably going "oh no not again" and running like hell now and rhi will be all confuzzled. and one day in like a milllion years the boy will read this n go "you shoulda told me" and I'll go well I diddnt because you were being a BIG FAT SHITHEAD at the time. but I still love you)

Queen Cazza.... orcses dont taste very nice do they? noo.. not very nice at all...
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