My new job. (NOT!)

Jan 21, 2004 09:14

well people.. its official.. that Catholic education system blows AND sucks at the same time! (much like Rhi.. but thats a TOTALLY different story that involves juice and macca's...)

I went for this interview last week for this uber cool traineeship thingy.. and all went swell in the 'veiw, they'd even rung my referee's by lunchtime.. so anyway I"m sittin round the house for a few days waitin to hear from them.. and time passes and still no word...
so last night before work (by the way.. sorry about work rhi, I diddnt know till they "rang to remind me" and its written on the roster in pen.. not printed.. so I think they did something dodgy there cause the manager is pissed at me and only gives me 2 shifts a week at the moment) I rang the job agancy that I found the job through to see what was going on and the girl there was all like "well.. I dunno I'll ring them" so she did.
and guess what the little buggers did??

THEY CHANGED THEIR BLOODY OFFICE STRUCTURE AROUND SO THAT NOW THEY CANT HAVE A TRAINEE!!!!!!!!! but the consolation was that they said that they had me all picked out for the job.. so TECHNICALLY I did get it! lol.

its the thought that counts.

In some good news though, I went to see my old boss at domino's yesterday, Troy. and he is still as cool as he was. so we're (OH MY GOD! I almost said fixin! Rhiannon! I am going to KILL you!!!!!!!!) GOING to go out n get pissed one night. it probably wont happen.. but yay for old friendships!

OHHHHHHHHH and something uber cool but slightly freaky happened at work.. this girl Roslin, she is my mate billy-bob's lil sister right.. (he's one of the managers at red rooter) and I"ve met her before at his place, and so when I went "hi I'm Caroline" she was like "you know I"m steven's lil sis" (steven is billy-bob's REAL name) and I was like.. "oh.. I knew that.. HONEST" anyway.. we were talking and it turns out that we actually knew eachother at uni!! she know's all my friends there and lives like, across the hall from my mates room where I spent like.. 90% of my time! and I used to fight with her for the same parking spot at uni and EVERYTHING! I even played lawnbowls with her!!! so we've "met" like 4 times before either one of us actually twigged what was going on! and it's like holy coincidence that we never knew eachother better at uni.. we must have just kept missing eachother by like seconds exept for the once or twice that we actually met, where we were introduced to eachother all over again and we totally did not twig on!!!

so anyway...
my cat is cute.. and all who have read this far deserve a medal.

/Queen Cazza.. yes I'm a natural blue!
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