Jul 01, 2005 14:58
Once upon a time, 5 long years ago, I met two stoners at the top of Blackpool Tower.... we hung out for a day, got high, while my mum panicked beyond all belief cos I had disappeared.
They took my number *which was actually my mum's work mobile number*
Upon going home, they gave it to this guy Adam, who I believe was 19 at the time. He plagued the phone with texts, attempting to scare me with heebie jeebie hocus pocus bumph... We started to talk on and off cos it was a laugh or whatever... many phone bills occurred, one or two fights with significant others of his via text, a lot of crazy dreams about him with no face, as he never sent me a photo even though I sent him one or 5 of myself back then. I was 16 and still just a pup somewhat. Now I'm a dog, har de har har.
But yeah, the saga of me and this "faceless demon" has gone on for 5 years, he'd always lose mobile phones, or fuck off somewhere, I had the same two numbers... but always, we would end up talking again cos he'd phone to see if i was alive.