[OOC:] How's My Driving?

Mar 03, 2025 00:51

[Mun:] Edo // kyatto
[Email:] kyatto.sparkle.art@gmail.com
[AIM:] stillnotginger
[Yahoo IM:] Please ask! ♥
[Timezone:] Eastern Standard Time // nights and weekends (usually after 6PM)

[Character:] Blair Waldorf
[Canon:] Gossip Girl
[Timeline:] Season Two - right after summer vacation
[Notes:] Pre-graduation, pre-Chuck/Blair :)


Name: Blair Waldorf
Fandom: Gossip Girl (TV Series)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Time Period: Early Season Two (just after summer vacation)
Wing Color: Periwinkle-blue that fades to white at the tips
History: [HERE] (Please ignore anything book-based or post second season. That doesn’t apply to the version being brought to Luceti.)
Personality: Blair is the Queen Bee of teenaged New York City socialite life and she knows it. She was more than pleased to wield the crown until her biggest threat - Serena van der Woodsen - returned to her life. Serena is everything Blair isn’t and that frightens her. Blair being small, petite, “cute”, and “fox-like”, compared to Serena’s tall, slender, model-esque blond beauty. She who only had very few choice loves and was until recently a virgin compared to Serena’s daring and sexual prowess. Serena is the one person Blair fears most - and she just so happens to be her best friend.

She is all about competition, so she dislikes and is afraid of those she knows are better than her. The girl will stop at nothing to tear down those who stand in the way of where she is and what she wants in life. Whether it’s boys, friends, fortune - anything that even so much as poses as a blockade she will destroy to smithereens. However, as vicious as she is on the “battlefield”, she relishes such challenge at times. For someone as intelligent, attractive, and well-to-do as she is anyone who comes close to being her equal she at times develops a disdainful respect for. (Basically - she may hate you for existing and/or being potentially better at you, but she’ll respect you while doing so!)

Despite her high status, deep down inside Blair is terribly insecure. She is almost always comparing herself to those around her. Be it her friends, her family, even movie stars. Whenever the ratio of those who are better is larger than those who are inferior, she gets upset and disheartened. She hides her insecurities behind a fiery exterior. She’s got a sharp tongue and quick wit, and is not afraid to speak her mind. It’s why she’s quick to insult, but it takes a lot to warrant a compliment from her. The more nervous she feels, the more she seems to try to bring down those around her and maintain her status on top.

Relationships with her are hard to build and slow. She had known Nate Archibald for many years before deciding to try a relationship with him. Despite now fancying Chuck Bass, it will take a great deal for him to earn her trust. If you have wronged her in the past, she will hold it against you for the rest of her life. It takes a lot of royal ass-kissing to win back her favor after she deems you undesirable. She’s petty and is heavily prone to holding grudges. (See: her insecurities.)

Despite her catty nature, there’s a child-like naiveté about her. Blair loves old-time romance movies (such as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” - her favorite, actually), romantic novels (well, literature in general), and youthful fantasies of long romantic walks in the park or elegant dinners for two. She oftentimes feels like a princess and wishes to be treated as such. Oftentimes she is so caught up in her fantasy version of what she feels her life should be like, she forgets exactly what is happening in her reality. Sometimes it is used as a means of escapism when things get too difficult (at least by her standards - such as her parents splitting up).

She loves all things exquisite and elegant. Fancy parties, quality expensive couture, her prep school, etc. Blair loves to be surrounded by the extravagant. It goes with her constantly playing fantasy life. As rich and powerful as she is (and feels she is) there are some things even beyond her grasp. She’s got a fierce determination to get it, though. So in the meantime she wallows in just how great her life can be at times and isn’t afraid to rub it in the faces of those less fortunate (the Humphreys’ - namely Jenny). If it doesn’t have a designer tag on it, she wouldn’t be caught dead in it. And forget camping - first class and five star hotels all the way. Blair is a Waldorf and most certainly not riff-raff.

At times, however, she can be a bit of a hypocrite. She tells Serena off for sleeping with Nate behind her back (who was her boyfriend at the time). However, when she and Nate have a falling out, she turns around and sleeps with his friend, Chuck Bass. This was after praising herself for saving her virginity for Nate. She will never admit it, though, but it’s true.

Blair is highly ambitious. Her current major goal is to get into Yale - no matter the cost. While she’s normally against blackmail it’s gotten to the point where she’d consider it. Ass-kissing certainly isn’t getting her much of anywhere, especially with Serena on the scene (she still begrudgingly considers her a friend). Yale has been her dream since she was a child, as it is the perfect college she feels for someone of her breeding. It offers everything she wants - class, intellectualism, and just the right kind of people. Even though she comes from a very wealthy family, she is meticulous about her grades. Anything less than an ‘A’ is a cause for outrage (she was willing to blackmail a teacher over it). If it means getting into Yale she will stop at nothing to achieve it.

One of the things she dislikes most is being shown the reality of things. That her dreams may not always be possible. She refuses to accept the suffering of others, especially those not within her social circle. Despite doing charity functions, she does it for the social grace, not because she actually cares. In most cases, the “common folk” are no better than gun stuck to the bottom of her $600 shoe. (It took a great deal of ass-kissing and back and forth catty behavior for Jenny to win any kind of grace from her - and Jenny’s not that poor either, just less well off than Blair.) She doesn’t care about the horrors of the world because she’s fine. (Though if she were to lose everything, it would be as if her whole world was just destroyed.) However, if she fights with a friend, loses something, gets hurt, it’s a cause for crisis within her group of friends and anyone immediately around her. If you’re not paying attention to her or respecting her in any way, shape, or form, you’re her enemy. She’s only powerless when she’s completely on her own. (Another thing she can’t stand - not having her “army” within reach at all times.)


Blair has no super powers, or supernatural abilities of the sort at all. She comes from a wealthy family, so she has good breeding and a never-ending bank account, but that’s about it.

She’s great at networking though, and building a social circle. (She’s not Queen Bee for nothing!) That could definitely be considered a strength. (See: every episode she’s in, her friends are always doing something for her)

Also her ambition is her greatest strength, and the fact she will stop at nothing to accomplish her goals no matter what they are. (Her fight with Jenny in the first season, her fight with Serena in the first season, and her first attempts to win over Yale in the second…)


She’s human - entirely so. All the money in the world could not keep her from dying if she got severely injured.

Her insecurities, also. If the Malnosso really wanted to mess with her, they’d get in her head and remind her of everything she isn’t but wishes she was. (See - entire series, but mainly whenever she’s had a fight with anyone - mostly with Serena.)

Being entirely left up to her own devices. Without Dorota (her maid, whom she’s befriended) and her army of friends at school, as well as her phone and internet, she’s powerless. She can’t control if there’s no one to control - and that scares her. (It hasn’t quite happened, well it has, but in the third season when she starts college. Without her friends she gets anxious and scared and goes to great lengths to get some of it back.)

Her voice no longer having any power/ no one respecting her. If no one cares that she’s Blair Waldorf that would practically ruin her. (It’s happened a little in the third season with her starting college.)

Samples (ALL samples must be set in Luceti-verse.)

First Person:


[Rustling is heard - a lot of rustling. Then many, many frantic footsteps as if someone was running around in circles. Finally, a loud yet feminine groan and an airy sigh.]

This is most certainly not Central Park! Not even Battery Park! I don’t even think this is New York!

Dorota! Dorota? DOROTA! Where are you? I mean it! This isn’t funny!

[More rustling, followed by another aggravated groan.]

Ugh! Look at all this…this… grass. And those buildings there look so…dirty. Ew! Am I in New Jersey? What would I be doing on this side of the bridge?

This can’t be a hangover, I haven’t been to a party in over a week! How could I forget going to bed in my home and then waking up all the way out here? I can’t, that’s how!

Chuck? Are you hiding out behind those bushes? Come out right now! I’m serious! Joke’s over! You can get your driver and take me back home now!

Damn it!

[Swears again under her breath, practically growling, and her storming over to a bush is heard - plus the rustling of her pawing through it, as if looking for something.]

Chuck Bass, where are you? Get out here and take me home right now! I have an appointment with the Dean of Yale! And if I miss it because of one your stupid, childish, pranks - I will not. Be. Happy!

And…UGH! What on earth am I wearing? This dress is so….Ew! It’s so 2007. And these…wings. I was definitely not on my way to a costume party!

And who neatly folds clothes and just leaves them out - wait - those are my clothes!

W-what the! They’ve got grass stains on them!

Hello? Whoever’s out there I’ll have you know that was an original Vera Wang you just ruined! You’d better pay me back!

Alright, looks like I have no choice. [Disgruntled sigh.] I’ll have to go find someone. Maybe that Jersey City over there will have a taxi or something.

People, sometimes… ARGH!

Third Person:

Well, of all the foreign places she had been too (and she’d been practically all over the world at this point thanks to her parents’ bank accounts), this city had to be the strangest. Blair Waldorf was absolutely baffled upon reaching it. The walk out of the woods had not taken long, even though her feet were already aching. Soiled clothes bundled under one arm, she peered around curiously - it was quiet…too quiet. Before she decided to venture away from where she awoke she had tried to remove the wings now adorning her back. However she was quick to discover that no, they were not a well-made costume prop but actually attached. Was this heaven? Did she die?

If this was heaven, then Blair was sure she didn’t like it very much. When she pictured heaven, she saw good-looking men in well-tailored suites, city streets lined with shops selling the finest couture, the cutest little restaurants with limited menus yet over the top prices, and glamour and elegance as far as the eye could see. With all eyes on her, of course. Yes, in her idea of heaven she would be soaking in a tub made of solid gold, lavender-scented water adorned with rose petals, and a handsome butler would be serving her fine Belgian chocolate-covered strawberries while she laid back and listened to classical music. Or her and Nate, or perhaps even Chuck, at a fancy ball hosted by the Queen of England. Dancing the waltz, with her in her finest Chanel - him in an Armani tux with a tie that matched his eyes. He would tell her those three little words - ”I love you” and she would reciprocate. That was heaven. Not this quiet, practically desolate place. There wasn’t a boutique in sight! Not even an Urban Outfitters! What sort of strange place was this?

When she realized she was alone she had gone digging for her cell phone - only to find it missing. Great. Whoever had the nerve to get her out here must have stolen it! Who knows what sort of havoc they were causing with it? She had connections to everyone who was anyone on the Upper East Side and a private direct line to Gossip Girl herself. For all she knew they were slandering her good name right now! Or worse… Oh no, she could see the headlines now! What if they thought she was dead? It would be all over the New York Times! People! Us Weekly! What was everyone doing? Chuck, Nate, Serena? What about her mother, her father? Well, what if she was dead? How did it happen and why? She was fine just a day ago!

Yet whatever this strange place was, she did not have a good feeling about it…

Questions? Comments? Plot ideas? Please share them here! ♥

how's my driving, ooc

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