Wisdom teeth are not wise

Apr 18, 2005 08:47

The definition of wisdom from Webster.com

Main Entry: wis·dom
Pronunciation: 'wiz-d&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wIsdOm, from wIs wise
1 a : accumulated philosophic or scientific learning : KNOWLEDGE b : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : INSIGHT c : good sense : JUDGMENT d : generally accepted belief
2 : a wise attitude or course of action
3 : the teachings of the ancient wise men

The above definition has nothing, I mean nothing to with my teeth.
My wisdom teeth hurt so bad. Sometimes I wonder why are body functions the way it does. Why didn't we just get our wisdom teeth when we get all of our other teeth? (because by now I wouldn't have remembered it, of course I don't remember cutting any of my other teeth) AND then to have them cut out because you don't need them. This type of stuff always puzzles me. No wonder a child that is teething is cranky, whiny, has runny nose, diarrhea,... etc. Boy I wish I had known that when Dirk was teething I probably would have been a little more sympathetic. So, I finally go to the dentist and got a referral to an oral surgeon. Then one more obstacle that this money hungry world puts in front of me. It is way expensive, I already knew this, but still with dental insurance the price is ridiculous. This all just irritates the hell out of me. I guess what I am trying to say is for some teeth you don't need and the pain that you endure and the the cost to get them removed(the only way to stop the pain). Why?
PLUS who named them WISDOM teeth?
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