Title: Beauty & The Geek
Pairing: Jongkey, Onkey, 2min
Genre: AU, Humor, Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: R [Language, Sexual Situations (Smut)]
Word Count: 3,300
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing.
Summary: Office romances never come without drama.
A/N: Beta'd by the lovely & amazing
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And something about Jjong's character I'm actually really attracted too hmm.
"The man is shaking the snow off his hair and shoulders like a dog"
I'm honestly picturing this so perfctly in my mind.
I think I'm in love with Taemin's character, he's so in his own little world and MinHo I would've figured he'd manhandle Taemin putting him in that kind of situation but he's so well behaved.
Love the way it ended, but sad it was the ending :(
I think Onew has actually done something similar in Hello Baby, because I feel like I can picture it too well? xD
I hope the 2min seems okay. I just don't see Minho being overly demanding, like he's too in love with Taemin to even think of doing something Taemin doesn't ask for first? Idk. :P
Thank you for commenting & reading bb! (I'm going to be silently or not so silently cheering for your Taekey fic!)
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what brought the image into mu head lol.
I like them, it's different because I seem to see MinHo being portrayed as aggresive a lot so the change is refreshing.
:D! Oh pressure :0 haha. I actually tried to start one last night, but it ended up being JongTaeKey and Idk it just didn't work well.
Oh, have you seen this fancam yet - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zzTGaXHl9c I'm sure you have, but yeah, I saw the Taekey & was like "Heather must be LOVING this!" XD
Haha YES! I added it on that post I made earlier actually lol. And yes I was loving it, Completely spazzing! I feel like Taemin was reading my mind with all my "I really want some TaeKey"!
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