Many rooms

Jun 22, 2007 17:53

There is this great song by agape called many rooms. Its about how god's house is open to everyone and its not really up to us here on earth to judge who gets in and whose out. "In this good book that I told ya'll I'm reading no justification for the stonewall beating" I mean how much does that rock! that goodness that someone out there is preaching some Christian ideals that "God made those rainbows but you hate those gay folks" i mean there so much sense in that for me, How can we get anywhere with hate? I think the most important thing is to love people..if they disagree with you thats there right....we have to try hard to help not hurt...sometimes maybe we hurt when we think we are helping...and sometimes we know we hurt and are so angry we want to ignore it. What has all this killing and hating gotten any of us?? more war...more crimes...less happy marriages... more poor people...more rape...more hunger...why? cant we decide to to a loving world. What will i do to get us there? can i forgive enough? love enough to end hate? am i strong enough not to retaliate anger with rage and fear with hate? When your teacher tell you that being gay is weird...and all gay men are effeminate..what do u do? my first instinct is to hate him back...but then i listen...and try to i do the best i can and tell him the truth and see where that gets me...its all about living your truth the best way you can and spreading love as far and wide as i can. I have know problem saying that its hard...maybe i will fail my class now...maybe i will lose friends...all i can do love is love them no matter what cuz judgment isnt really for me to do.
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