Dec 24, 2004 13:33

I am all of a sudden extremely cheerful, which is a surprise considering the bad luck I have been having lately. But hey...nothing can stay bad forever.Oh yes MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE TO...anyone who is reading this. I just wrapped christmas gifts...the day before christmas. I am so last minute.
I really needed this break!!! I am in the mood to go skiing, haven't gone this year yet. If you wanna go, tell me.
In other news, I still haven't gotten my secret santa gift for next wednesday! eerrrrr I don't know what to get my person. :( I will find something.
Well I think that's all I have for now.
GGRR I am so jealous of my brother. He is in the same house as Rivers (from weezer) and so he sees him at the dining room and stuff. Its not fair!!! He said once he sat diagonal to him, but Nilam said that he has no friends cept for this one girl, and he is really quiet, but I don't care its still freakin awesome. I want to go visit my brother before the semester is over now....and like stalk rivers. My brother is gonna try to get his autograph for moi. aaah ok I am done with that...even though it is still racing in my mind!)(U%*YKLFDNgkjshgkjHKLhglkshglkshg!! hahah ok now I am done

If anyone wants to do something over this break leave a comment or message me.

**Peace in**
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