Another day

Jul 11, 2004 18:41

People have been tellin me to update again...I think I will just update every couple of days and just go over what happened instead of posting everyday! But yea....uum I finally got my tb test..I don't mind needles I just dont like seeing the needle going in my skin..ugh! On thursday amber had her b-day party! We watched King Arther at Regal..I thought it was really good til at the very end (ok stop reading if you don't want the ending to be ruined)

LANCELOT DIES!!! WTF!!! ggrrr those people are stupid!!! what about the love triangle thingie between king arthur and gwenever(dont know how to spell it) and lancelot...I don't thing thats gonna work with him dead...I was very angry about that! Then after the movie we tried to teach chelsea how to skip...did NOT go well haha. Amber's mommy came and drove us all to her house. I met her two sisters breanna and jamie, both younger than Amber. Anywayz we hung out and soon neil then jess had to leave. We had our water balloon fight after. It was emma and emily against me and amber....chelsea didnt know what team she was on....hahahaha. After gettin soaked we went inside and hung out in amber's room where we played password!!! Oh and by the way, a gander IS the male version of a goose oopsies! Soon after I left.
Then on friday I went to new york for my cousins graduation party. That was fun then we all went back to one of my cousins house where we watched bringin down the house(for the bazillionth time) but still....such a funny movie. I got home on saturday and along came parin and my mom's two sisters, but they left today (sunday) oooh and on saturday night I called amber and sang happy birthday to her (11:38 p.m.)

well toodles!!
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