Jan 11, 2006 01:50
Ah wisdom teeth removal. General anesthesia scares me, it is my policy to run away from anyone who makes me that fucked up but this was a doctor. Weird, like, getting the double vision "i'm gonna pass out and get raped" party feeling only i'm supposed to feel that way cause i'm in a chair and then they cut my teeth out.
My prose is suffering from all the medication. I also have to quit smoking for 1 week. I havent gone 1 week without a cigarette since... last November when I was still not a real smoker. Wait... no, it was probably October. Shit... So its like, tantamount to quitting only i fear i may take it up again (with a vengeance) once I return to school/get stressed out/get drunk.
My mouth hurts, its a great diet. I think i consumed something like 25% of the neccesary calories to survive today. Hello ribcage! I can't wait.
Hallie comes tomorrow bearing ice cream and her laptop with many fun episodes of LOST on it. Should be a good day.
Mama got sketched out and asked me why I carry my bag with me everywhere, I think she thinks I am a drughead. I can't think of what else one would sketchily keep in one's bag. Weapons? Dead bodies? Positive AIDS tests? What would I hide from mama except drugs? Well, in any case I laid her mind to rest, i think. I played my trump card and told her I was "kinda seeing" that boy. Its true-ish. AND he's a legacy, should make her and dad happy. Makes me happy. God the drugs, my head. I need to sleep.