I agree with all of your point but one. I just can't enjoy Emily Swallow in any shape or form. Maybe its a hold over from when she was The Mentalist as rather superfluous character that the fandom generally hated. A couple of her lines were okay but overall she didn't impress in the least. The only chemistry I saw was because Jensen can have chemistry with a rock (heck, week after week he has chemistry with a car).
But yes, just a couple of lines of exposition would have helped tremendously. Are we supposed to believe that Rowena was the only witch powerful enough to be able to do this spell? or was it because she was the only one handy. What ever happened to the hamster, Olivette? Couldn't they have changed her back to do the spell? I also have a feeling that Rowena knows more than she's letting on.
Another thing, I too was wondering about where Michael was. I get that he was apparently left back in the CageCage (as opposed to this cage) but no mention? Its not worth it to knit pick why Nick was Lucifer's vessel, Pellegrino is always fun. A throw away line about Michael would have been nice.
Was that Ruby's knife? I was trying to see but really couldn't tell. It would be major if we lost that major prop after all these years. Of course there seems to be an angel blade handy for anyone that needs one.
It looked like the Ruby knife hilt to me. I guess we'll have to see if it pops up again or not. Of course, they could always retcon that, too... ::sighs::
But yes, just a couple of lines of exposition would have helped tremendously. Are we supposed to believe that Rowena was the only witch powerful enough to be able to do this spell? or was it because she was the only one handy. What ever happened to the hamster, Olivette? Couldn't they have changed her back to do the spell? I also have a feeling that Rowena knows more than she's letting on.
Another thing, I too was wondering about where Michael was. I get that he was apparently left back in the CageCage (as opposed to this cage) but no mention? Its not worth it to knit pick why Nick was Lucifer's vessel, Pellegrino is always fun. A throw away line about Michael would have been nice.
Was that Ruby's knife? I was trying to see but really couldn't tell. It would be major if we lost that major prop after all these years. Of course there seems to be an angel blade handy for anyone that needs one.
Anyway, so many questions....
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