What a wonderful ep :) I've been saying for years that if I ever had the chance to write a Supernatural episode, I'd write one about all the "mundane" stuff that happens inbetween the hunts: chores at the bunker, car tune-ups, what the boys talk about when not talking hunts, etc. Might not sound that exciting on paper, but it would be wonderful for character studies. And lo and behold, that's exactly what we got last night with "Baby." I loved every second of it :) (Although if I had written the ep, *I* would have made damn sure we got some skin during the carwash scene. That was cruel and unsual punishment, Show. For shame!)
So first and foremost, I loved the humor. We just don't get the banter like we used to, and last night was chock full of it! So many instantly classic lines. Off the top of my head:
"Never use Swayze's name in vain."
"Don't 'Nightmoves' me!"
"Say it with me - a werepire!" and then "No! I'm not calling it that."
"Turns out I DID shoot the deputy!"
"Smile, asshat."
And SO many others. Loved it. And then the wonderful talk they had about their dreams and whether or not God was going to help them after Sam had that...whatever it was...more on that in a moment. I'm just glad Sam opened up about both the visions and that he got infected. Dean took it better than I thought he would, but I think that he, too, was just glad Sam was being honest. Now if only Dean would open up about the worrying "we'll always be bound" stuff from The Darkness...here's hoping. I thought it was interesting how Sam is trying to be optimistic, that they WILL get help, that maybe God DOES give a damn, and Dean is pessimisstic because, hey, they won't get the help they need; past experience alone tells him that. I did think it was nice that they shared their dreams about their folks, Dean dreaming of his dad praising him for a change, Sam dreaming about the mother he never knew. They both need someone to tell them that they'll be okay, that they can DO this, that they are believed in, but they won't get it. So angsty, which of course I love :) It was such a great scene, and it was so nice to see such a discussion ON THE SHOW instead of in a fanfic for a change, y'know?
Back to the vision now. One, how awesome was it to see Matt Cohen again? Woohoo! But who was he, really? He deffo wasn't (young) John Winchester, and while I said on Twitter last night that it was probably Michael, I don't think he was him, either. Also don't believe he was God, because He was being awfully cryptic. And fine, God doesn't exactly talk to anyone, so it makes sense that He'd be cryptic if he did ever speak up, but still...not buying it. I think now that it was Lucifer. That line "I could never fool you" just screams Luci to me. So is Luci really going to try and help, or is it all just a set up? I don't know. I DO know that I'm worried the boys are going to be pitted against each other again, Sam following Lucifer's advice (against Dean's obligatory protests), and Dean somehow trying to get through to Amara to not be completely eeeevil (against Sam's obligatory protests). I really don't want them against each other, so here's hoping they don't go there. But I'm not holding my breath...
The werepire/wereghoul thing was awsome, and not just Dean geeking out on the names ;) I thought it was very interesting that it wanted to build an army to fight against The Darkness. If Show could somehow make a whole bunch of would-be foes--creatures, demons, angels, witches, you name it--all come together to fight alongside the Winchesters, united in a common goal of defeating The Darkness, I would be a very happy nerd :) Here's hoping!
Finally, Baby herself. I adore Baby of course, and I love that after all the abuse she was put through, Dean rubbed her back cushions like he was soothing a person and said, "I'm so sorry, Baby." Aww :) And she looked SO beat up at the end when she was driving away (still starting for her Dean even though she didn't want to go anywhere. Aww again), but we all know Dean will fix her right up when they get home. He always takes care of his best girl <3
So those are my thoughts. What did you think of the ep?