So I wasn't altogether sure I wanted to post a reaction to this episode. There were parts I adored and parts that made me want to punch the TV screen. "But," you say, "That's how you feel almost every week with Show." Well, not EVERY week, but I'll give you that point; most episodes are a mixed bunch of such reactions. This one just seemed especially so--not a hot mess, but deffo a roller coaster, the kind that has too many ups and downs and makes you feel alive and pukey at the same time. (Heh, how's THAT for a metaphor?)
I'll start with the bad stuff so that we can end the post with the happier stuff. What pissed me off the most in this epi was the ridiculous dumbing down of Dean. They did that back in Season 3, I remember. Pissed me off then, pisses me off now, because there is absolutely no need for it! For Dean to know that dark!Charlie is EVOL and yet still fall for her lies not once, but TWICE?! It's utterly ridiculous, not to mention way OOC. Talk about Bela 2.0... ::rolls eyes:: I don't know what Robbie Thompson was smoking while he wrote this script--all I do know is that I usually love his writing/episodes, and that's what made this one that much more frustrating. He can write a great Dean! So why make him so damn gullible this time around? Makes no sense. Was it to make dark!Charlie seem that much more dangerous? Was it to make the entire idea work at all? Who knows. Whatever the reason, it was deffo not right or worth it :-P
Now Charlie getting split into her good and bad sides was a pretty cool idea (though personally, I think it would have been much more interesting to split Dean into his two halves, especially in light of his current struggles with wanting to stab everyone/thing in sight). The problem for me was that neither Charlie really worked. Well, I did like light!Charlie lamenting that she couldn't hit on the bartender, but that was about it. I was therefore very glad that real Charlie was back together again by episode's end. I adore her, and the advice she gave to Dean was both heartfelt and wise. I love that she said she forgave him, and when he said he couldn't forgive himself, I love, love, LOVE that she called him on it. "How's that working out for you?" Just what a caring little sister should say to her good-but-very-hard-on-himself big brother.
Speaking of said brother, Jensen's performance continues to be Emmy worthy. All the little nuances he puts in, from the shaking hand to the mix of fright and doubt in his face...GAH. After 10 years, he still breathes so much life--and sadness--into the character. You think you've got Dean down, and then Jensen goes and reveals another layer, and it's like you're meeting him for the first time. Bravo, sir :) Even if said performance does bring tears to my eyes. I mean, the very idea of Dean cutting out the precious few pleasures in his life--greasy food, booze, etc--just in an attempt to fully stay away from any temptation that could lead him down a dark path...? That's just brutal! He is so lost right now, and so very low. He didn't even try to cover it up when Sam asked him if he was good. Poor guy :( And yes, of course I want Dean to get a break someday, but this journey he's on his so compelling; I truly hope they keep it up the rest of the season.
Finally, I love that Sam is still so determined to find a way to help his brother. I love how he's checking on him, too, and showing his support. I missed this Sam SO MUCH the past few years, so it's most welcome to see him back :) And I just know that he's going to come through for Dean. I just hope it doesn't involve Sam going dark again, since hey, been there many times, done that to death...
Okay, that's my $1.05 on the ep. What are your thoughts on it?