So "scare-aroused" is from Futurama, but it is perfect for explaining how I felt watching Dean last night. From the "Honey, there ain't no other man like me" to "This is a dictatorship" to that slash with the blade to Gadreel's chest. Holy dark hotness, Batman! I mean, it's disturbing, seeing Dean THIS angry and THIS powerful, and yet it's so freaking compelling, not to mention HAWT, that I can't look away. In fact, I find myself playing those moments over and over. I wish so much they'd put more of this sorta stuff into the rest of the season instead of just making us guess how Dean was feeling with the mark and the blade. Think how they could have ramped it up, Dean being tempted to kill kill kill and fighting it at first and then eventually giving in! But, as per usual, they have to squish it all into the last three eps. I just hope they carry it over into the next season, and past the first ep, thank you very much. We've waited 9 years for Dean to get a meaty storyline like this--PLEASE, writers and producers, don't short change it/us!
I don't have much to say about Metatron because, frankly, he's annoying the shit out of me. Although I did appreciate the nod to the actor's Revenge of the Nerds days thanks to bowling alley!angel. LOTS of movie/book/comic refs last night--Constantine, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Lord of the Rings...I'm forgetting one. But you get the idea. Back to Metatron: I never figured he brainwashed angels (and reapers that are now somehow angels, too, but I'll get to that) into blowing themselves up in Castiel's name. I don't know WHY i didn't think of him, but I just didn't. I figured it was someone in Castiel's ranks who was very confused. But what a dick move, Metatron, not only brainwashing your own kind but then having them blow up other angels who were already on your side! I can't wait till Dean shoves the blade into that fuckwad. Bonus points if he does it Jon Snow style, sticking it through the back of his head and straight through his craw. Bwahaha. But I digress...
At least Gadreel finally realized he was being played, but it's too little, too late at this point, as Dean basically told him with a slash of his toothy knife. I didn't get the impression that Gadreel was dead--it looked like Dean sliced him open, but he didn't go kerplodey with angel grace. I feel like Dean's going to say "That was for Kevin, you son of a bitch!" and then interrogate him for information, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Anyway, the too little, too late theme is playing out with Sam as well, of course. I kinda love how Dean just shut him down at the end and said hey, I'm calling the shots, and I don't give a damn whether you like it or not. See how that feels, Sam? Huh? Do yeah? Yeah. Like I wrote last week, it is going to take a lot more than Sam making his bitch face and sassing out stuff like "Wow, that was a pathetic apology" or whatever he said to get through to Dean. He has to dig DEEP, and I WANT him to dig deep. He needs to recognize what he went through back under Ruby's hold and the demon blood, and say hey, I get it, I remember feeling so powerful and loving it, but look how that turned out. It honestly amazes me that hasn't been brought up yet. But then I remember, oh yeah, they're just "business partners" now, and Sam's never taken that back. Dean isn't just going to snap out of this. You have to MAKE A FUCKING EFFORT this time, Sammy. And I will be so proud of you once you do, because, IMO, you will finally be doing what Dean has done for YOU so many times: open up, be vulnerable, and put yourself out there for the sake of your brother. Sam needs to stay there and SAY he's there just as Dean did back when Luci!Sam was punching the living shit out of him, even if only in a metaphorical sense on Sam's part. But he has to do it or we will never get our old Dean back. Sam's just pushed him too far away this time, and if the blade is the only thing that makes sense to Dean (or makes him feel good about anything anymore), why the hell should he go back to his business partner's abuse?
Two final notes. First, Castiel: loved the Spears and Aguilera thing, LOL, but really loved at the end when he picked Dean over the angels. Angels really are stupid, aren't they? Not Cas, but the rest. Castiel told them that he didn't want any more killing, and yet they expected him to kill Dean. Whatever, Cas, you're better off without them. Now if only he could get Sam to see that Dean really IS a lot more angry now and that he needs HELP and CARE, dammit! Hopefully the whole slashing Gadreel deal finally woke Sam up to the problem...
Second note is about the whole reapers now being angels thing. Two words: the HELL? Writers, you do remember that whole meet-cute thing that Tessa referred to, namely Dean dying, her trying to reap him, etc? Remember how that ended, with Tessa getting possessed by Yellow Eyes, a DEMON? If Reapers are angels, that means reapers can get possessed by demons! HOW does that work?! It doesn't, and it's stupid, and I'm choosing to ignore it. I mean, even the way Tessa was describing how she could hear the lost souls (at least they remembered THAT storyline) screaming at being stuck and how she couldn't bear it--THAT all sounds like a reaper who can't reap to me. But Dean kept calling her 'angel' and I just...I don't get it. So yeah, ignoring it completely. I nothing it. The end.
What did YOU think of the ep?