I'll let two of my Tweets from last night sum up my feels:
Dean having a real storyline is good, but actually seeing it happen? Orgasmic! #Supernatural
OMG, do you SEE, Universe? Do you see what happens when you give Jensen a real Dean storyline?! Fucking magic, that's what!!! #Supernatural
Seriously, how o-mazing were those last few minutes? I mean don't get me wrong, the rest of the ep was good, too, from Dean showing up on Crowley's phone as "Not Moose" (LOL!) to the actually okay cameo by Snookie to Crowley showing he's still a devious bastard even whilst dealing with crippling sentimentality to learning about the ousted MoL guy and his creepy fortress of solitude with its wicked cool magic door. Solid ep all around. Loved it! But the last few minutes? Absolutely tops. I mean, everyone knows how awesome Jensen is at saying so much without SAYING anything, but what he went through last night when he gripped the blade? That gave me the good goosebumps. Still does thinking about it now! ::shivers, smiles:: I loved the noise that played with it, too--that sort of high-pitched dial tone like they use in war movies, when they're showing someone who just got his hearing blasted out by the war around them. And how perfect, too, since it appears that Dean is going to now be fighting his own internal war on a scale he's never known. You could tell the sensations both scared and enthralled him. The former was stronger with that first touch with the blade, but by the second, after he BUSTED OUT OF HIS CHAINS (and WHY didn't they show us that?! I wanted to see Dean hulking out, dammit!) and took Creepy Guy's head off, he couldn't let it go. The enthrallment was clearly stronger now. I love how you can watch it literally creep up from Jensen's strained arm, up his bicep, into his neck, and right into his face. He outdid himself last night. I was absolutely blown away. And to think, we get to see MORE! ::kermie arms::
It's just so fucking nice to FINALLY get a Dean storyline that really is proactive instead of the usual reactive. Does that make sense? i'm talking about how in the past, sure, Dean had plenty to do, but it was always in REACTION to what was going on with Sam and his proactive, plot-driving storyline. Now it appears that it's the reverse. We've waited nine seasons for it, but it's finally happening. I mean, fine, okay, Season 4 he had something very similar, but that went nowhere; they gave his Michael vessel role to Adam and had Sam actually beat the devil. Now it's finally Dean's turn to drive the plot and Sam to react. I for one can't freaking wait :) We already got an awesome preview of things (hopefully) to come, wherein Sam had to SHOUT at Dean to drop the blade, and even then, Dean seemed a bit reluctant. What's going to happen when he can't put it down, hmm? When he doesn't WANT to? Eeee, so exciting!!!! So ANGSTY! I'm just so happy about all of this :) ::Universal HUGS::
It's just nice to have an enjoyable little escape again, especially with the crushing weight that is my life right now. So thank you, SPN, for bringing Awesome back :)
p.s. Abbadon, you dare scratch Baby?! You are SO going downtown. ::shakes fist of rrrrrage and wishes she could join Dean in the ass kicking::