Apr 22, 2012 13:01
LJ is being incredibly frustrating for me today--this is attemp #4 at posting. So I'm going to forego the cuts and just warn you up front: if you don't want to read a few quick spoilers from the recent "Of Grave Importance" episode, skip ahead to the paragraph numbered "2" below. S'alright? S'alright.
(Spoiler space provided for those that want to skip ahead and not see anything...)
1. Originally I had a really nice and thoughtful review typed out, but it's gotten shorter and shorter with each attempt at posting it. And no, stupid me has not thought to copy and paste each time until now. So here is the quick version of what I originally wrote: I'm thrilled that Bobby is back, but like Dean, I really worry about what it will mean further down the road. I don't want Bobby going crazy and losing himself like every other ghost in history has done. I want Bobby to get some rest, because, as Dean said (and WOOHOO for Dean and the writers for sticking with canon!), Bobby should be up in heaven, having a beer at Harvelle's. But then again, I adore Jim Beaver, so it's awesome having him on the show. I just worry, cuz I loves Bobby like he was my own Uncle :(
{Further spoiler space provided for those that don't want to read about stuff they haven't seen yet)
2. Okay, now for the other thing: I am completely, horribly stuck writing-wise right now. I don't know if I'm still just drained from the all-out war with myself that it took to write the J2/Return of Jessica fic or what, but every weekend for the past month, I have either been at this computer or at a coffeehouse, trying to write. I've gotten five pages done in that time on "Measure of a Man" and am now stuck. Even worse, I haven't updated "World of Winchester-Craft" in over a YEAR because I haven't had any inspiration there, either. So I'm asking for some help. Anything. Beta reader volunteering, someone who would be willing to listen to ideas and help me with them, some encouragement, links to other stories that might inspire me, what have you. I need it desperately. Sure I'm getting a lot of art projects done in the meantime, but these stories aren't going to write themselves! So please, if anyone out there still cares and wants to read my stuff, PLEASE help me. I'm about ready to put both stories on permanent hiatus at this point, and I truly don't want to do that. Especialloy with MoaM--there's only 3 chapters to go on that one :(
3. I also want to apologize to my friends. I feel lke I haven't been there for any of you lately, and I hate that. My life has been very up and down for this past month now, and things are, unfortunately, just getting worse. I'm in constant fear of losing my job these days. I'm incredibly lonely and yet scared of putting myself out there, so Im isolating myself. The only time I feel like me is when I'm being creative, so, again, the art projects have come in handy, but ugh do the fumes give me headaches. Seriously, I can feel the braincells popping and dying--and I'm even wearing a mask! Bah. ANyway, these aren't excuses, i'm just explaining what I've been up to. I just want you all to know that I DO care and that i DO love you all. I'm just sorry I can't be the friend you deserve right now.
4. To end on a positive note, Happy Earth Day. Please plant a tree today, or at least give one a hug :)
down in my cave,
thinky thoughts,
writer's block sucks on toast