January 23rd is National Pie Day!!!! I don't know what amuses me more: the idea of Dean dragging Sam out to celebrate today (and making him pay the bill, natch), OR the fact that there is a Pie Council (the very people who have declared today National Pie Day, donchaknow) >:-D ALSO, our friends at said Pie Council would like you to know, per their Website, that "National Pie Day is dedicated to the celebration of pie." Wow. SO GLAD they spelled that out for us; I was just about to celebrate muffins instead! Sheeshery.
Anyhoodle. Hope you're all having a ginchy day :) Mine has been busy, but at least sup isn't here today, so I can be online when I'm not running around, trying to get stuff done. The phones could stop ringing ANY time now...really...truly... ::glares at ringing phone:: Oh ferpah.
Someone bring me some pie, dammit!