Ah, I suppose it would... But pft, it'd be sad, too; I am oddly protective of mah pumpkins. xP ^^;
Yes, I suppose so. But still, I missed the meeting! D= Well, I'll definitely be there next week. =]
Ohhh... So that makes sense. ^^ It was room... 6-something? Well, I could always just knock at doors and see who opens; that may work, too. =P
No, it didn't seem to be... Although things are very strange now. Well, we've gotten things into the open- which is a start, at least. I'm gonna wait a little bit to tell you too much, though; we're still sorting things out, and until I know everything from Lexie's perspective, I don't want to say anything I might contradict later. But it was pretty much a lot of miscommunication.
Luke and Patti B? Were they the old IG supervisors? I know what you mean exactly, though. I've met a lot of my close friends through extra-curricular things, like drama and girl scouts- and now lindsay museum as well. Most of the kids there are really cool people, and I guess they have to be, because being intelligent and friendly are part of the job. =P I'm really incredibly glad that I met you, though! It would have been hard to get through much of this without you, and besides that you're an awesome friend. ^^
Hehe. I can get that way sometimes. But when they start to like, grow mold, it becomes clear that their time has past. :P
Now this week, woo!
Room 106. The 1 at the beginning tells you it is ground floor, and the 06 is the more important part. It will be to the right of the room labeled as the Speech and Debate team's room. We usually have the desks set up in a circle type deal, so it should be easy to figure out the right room.
Eep. Miscommunication is a terrible thing. Hopefully things will be worked out soon.
Yup. They were the Sarahs of the museum, basically. :P Yeah, most of my friends I know from either the museum, homeschooling, or more frequently, from homeschoolers at the museum who introduced us to more homeschoolers. :P Yes, it was great luck being plopped on the same shift! And to think, I had been trying to avoid Thursday at the time! :P
Ahahaa... I ended up carving a pumpkin on Christmas last year. =P Stupid school and its getting in the way of proper halloween festivities... -mumblegrumbles- I ended up setting a light in it and placing on the porch on Christmas Eve, too. =DD My little contribution. x)
Ah, okay. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Now if I get lost, it'll just be because I have no sense of direction... Not because I didn't /have/ direction. xDD
I hope so... She's just being so... annoying and hypocritical... -mumblegrumblesagain- She doesn't listen as well as she could, so she ends up complaining and whining about the same things... -sigh- I'll let you know more after I talk to her face-to-face. ^^;
Ah, gotcha. Ahaha, well, homeschoolers= own. Like seriously. Some of the best people I've ever known have been home-schooled at some point or another. =P Aww, lameness! Well... I guess I had been, too. I dunno, Thursdays have always been that ~rainy~ day for me, I'm not sure why. Sure changed over the summer, though- since I had my shift on Thursdays again, and would walk over to Danielle's house afterward... Merph, I wish we were on the same shift againn. But yes, we'll have to invite each other to parties and such... and then that whole 'off-line' concept of hanging out. Frightening, eh? But hm, if the QSA meetings work out, we'll be hanging out on Thursdays again! =D -dances-
Hey, why not? Christmas pumpkins, it's gonna be big! :P
A sense of direction is really over rated, getting lost can be fun. Though it is better when you don't want to get somewhere soon. I think I got my love of accidental detours from mum...
:( Whining and complaining about the same thing? Blarg. You know... I have heard just about everyone who knows Lexie say that she is usually nice, but just a bit to hung up on her own whatever. I'd like to take a moment to blame the public school system. :P
Yes. There are a couple exceptions, but usually when someone is like "what? I'm cool, but I'm not a homeschooler!" if you wait long enough it will come out that they homeschooled for the first few grades or something. :P
Yes. Thursdays now are actually kind of cool. :) Though it is my longest day at DVC... Yes hanging out! I have a lot of people I haven't seen in ages, it is very annoying. Maybe once I recover from this flu like thing... (I am feeling better today, so I should recover pretty quickly) *crosses fingers* Yes, make it to the meetings! :)
Oh yes! And then I considered a fall equinox party idea, too- find a flatish watermelon, and carve /that/ and set it outside. A perfect transition between summer and fall! =DD [Or I'm just nuts. xP That's an option, too.]
Ahaha, /exactly/. I love wandering off... It can be quite pleasureful, especially if you find fun, random stuff that distracts you from your original goal! =P Although, you're right, sometimes you have to /be/ places... [pfftt, overrated! xD]
Mm, good idea. xD Yes, Lexie can be a really great friend, /usually/ is, which is probably why this whole -issue- hurt so much in the first place. I always placed her as that friend who I could always trust, you know? But hm... 'hung up on her own whatever'? I think I know what you mean, but I'm also very tired and could be confused. xP But yes, whatever it is, it's definitely the public school system's fault. -sigh- xD
Ahaha, /seriously/. That's how it is with a lot of my friends, really. Either that or they went to a charter school or something, so either way they weren't part of "the system". Seriously, though, being put in a desk from age five onward is kind of creepy when you think about it. 0o
Okies, okies, I must I must! ...I've just gotta beg my mom to let me go. ^^; Since I have modern at 6:30, she might be a bit hesitant to have to make special trips for me and such, but if I can get my brother to bike home instead... it should work out alright. Hm, long days are fine. Well... Today was our "long day" at college park, meaning we stayed until three... kind of icky, but the classes are shorter since we have all of them today, instead of the usual block schedule. I dunno. I'm too tired to think properly. xP Yes, hanging out with friends! I feel like I've been living in a bubble all of last year; I'm only starting to hang out with people outside of my immediate group again. xD It's fun, though, so long as I don't let myself get /too/ swamped with homework. -mumblegrumbles- Blasted homework. >< xD I hope you get well soon! It sucks to have the flu, especially so early in the year. D= You have my syyympathies. -nodnod-
I pretty much always wander around DVC when the weather is cold enough to be pleasant, but not so cold it makes you want to be inside. Taking the long route is good for people.
:( That is always the most sucky. When you think someone is going "be there" for you, and suddenly they aren't. Yeah, I think you figured it out. :P
Very creepy! It isn't natural to spend so much time clumped together with only people your age and teachers...
Oh yes! Convince him girls love a well toned boy! The only way to get that is clearly biking home! :P
The whole high school scheduling system confuses me. I just find it a bit creepy. I've gotten used to planning out my own schedule at DVC.
Yeah... And now I am trying to make a guest list for my birthday. So hard! I'll add one person, and then think of someone that if I invite them I have to invite some other person... It is getting crazy. Yes, the flu should be outlawed. Such a troublemaker. :P
Hm... Wandering around is fun. ^^ I think I know what you mean, though; coldish weather reminds me of the Berkeley library for some reason, though. -shrug-
-sigh- Especially when they're very two-faced about it. She acted perfectly normal at instances last week, and very icy/bitchy in others. Especially the things she said behind my back... But I suppose I forgive her now, although if she starts acting that way again... Well, I'll just keep my distance this time.
Exactly! Although sometimes you end up spending time with only your mom and brother, out of laziness, which could be bad, too... xP But I know what you mean. =3
Ahaha, I will try... Although he doesn't seem very interested in girls right now. -shrug- And usually goes biking with Marc and Phillipe... Hm... Maybe he could bike over to Marc's house, it isn't far from the school...
You're lucky. We have... Well, CP's schedule's a little more fucked-up than most: On Mondays, we go first period, third, brunch, second, fourth, lunch, and then fifth and sixth. 0o Then, Tuesday's it's First, Third, and Fifth, Wednesdays Second, Fourth, Sixth... I love how I randomly decided to capitalize... And then it repeats. We simply learn not to question it. xP
Ah, me too! Now that I'm friends with my 'group' again, I can invite a lot more people... except I got an invitation from Jamie, who I hadn't even considered for my list, for /her/ party, so now I'll have to invite her and her whole group... And prolly Cally because she's needy and she'll hear from Jamie... -hides- Or I'll just invite you, Danielle, and my girl scout friends. xD That could work, too. xP
Indeed! And now I'm afraid- I was randomly cold earlier today, and my brother's all, 'oh, I was like that before I got the flu this month' so now I'm all -hides- because it seems possible... No me gusta. >
I've never been to the Berkeley library, but I have to agree that it is a library day. I almost went to the DVC library today, but I didn't have enough time to make it worth while.
Yes. Friendly, but careful, is good. Hopefully there won't be any more spats.
Yes. One cannot be too lazy or they will never meet people. And you will die old and lonely. :P
Hmm... Yes. Then he can hang out for a while, and everyone is happy.
...How do you ever remember that?
Oh that is annoying... People shouldn't cling together making it hard to invite just one. You know the six degrees of separation thing? Eventually you'll have to invite everyone. :P Keeping it small works too.
It's a fun library! Or, at least, it was in the sixth grade... Sadly I haven't been there since then. =[ They had nice window seats, though! =P
You know, I haven't been to /any/ library lately... Or done any not-school-related reading in, well, ages. That's really sad. I should probably change that. xP
Ahaha, Lexie said pretty much the same thing to me, except about being selfish. xP But lol, this laziness thing... I think it keeps me from doing a lot of stuff. Oh wellll. -insert lack of smilie to reduce abuse of smilies- =D [...damn.]
Exactly! Except that, well, he didn't... So I just walked home. -shrug- It was a 45-minute walk, so I got to listen to most of your CD on the way back, and it was all nice and ~fallish~ so I actually think it was better than if I had driven. =3
-blink- ...I... don't... know. xDD Again: It's just one of those things you just learn not to question. xP
Mhmm! (three degrees, I think? But wait, that's the Kevin Bacon one, though... -contemplates- My head hurts. ><) Small... Yes, that might be a good idea, considering it's a tea party and all. xD Well, I'll work something out. -shrug-
...Yes, that, too. =P Which is probably why I'm not sick now. Yay! How are you doing, by the way? It's a bummer you couldn't make the meeting yesterday. =[
Aww. Libraries kind of rock. The best ones, of course, are the ones filled with good books that you haven't already read a million times.
Me too. I actually have a fair amount of spare time this semester (for now, at least), so I really need to read more.
I abuse the sticking out tongue smilies. :P (<-- See? )
Oh, fall walks are nice. I should ask mom/whoever will be driving me home next to see if they would be apposed to dropping you off on the way. Since soon enough the cold spell will go away... Baking is only fun when it involves a tasty end product. :P
Ahh, okay.
Depending on who you ask it is either 6 or 3. I think 6, since there are like, recluses who don't see a lot of people. :P Possibly... Tea parties seem sort of best when not huge, but who knows!
Ummmm... Better? It has now been 8 full days, and I'm down to the occasional fever, and a lot of coughing fits (plus some running nose issues that drive me mad). But I am starting up on Azithromycin (for my ear infection and sinus issues, oh the joy!), and have two inhalers prescribed (Advair, and Albuterol), one to take twice daily, and the other "as needed", but neither seem to help much, so I've been relying on tea a lot. Hot English Breakfast tea with some honey is the only thing that helps the coughing. :P But over all I am feeling a lot better. :)
Mhmmmm. <33 And with tons of rows to explore... and play hide-and-go-seek in... -is not totally immature- ^^;; But seriously, I haven't been to a library- much less a nice, pretty, large one- in ages. It's really quite depressing. =[
Lucky! Well, you get to read for me now. xP Danielle's still pissed at me because I borrowed her brother's copy of "1984" last January and still haven't finished it yet. xD I'm so close, too! It's just this accursed homework. -sighs- xP
Ahaha, that's okay. xP [see??? I'm catching on! xD] I've actually noticed that I /do/ adopt the smilies of people I talk to- and, amusingly, Danielle's adopted the sticking-out-tongue smilies through me through you. xDD Wicked.
Ah, you have a point there. But, unfortunately, I live in the opposite direction that you do- my house is more in the Pleasant Hill Park/Sequoia elementary-area, right before Pleasant Hill turns into Walnut Creek, so it'd be out of your way. Thanks for offering, though. =] I suppose when it gets hotter/colder, I'll just ride the bus. =3
Yes, I think six also. But no... I'm three degrees /from/ Kevin Bacon, that was it. -smiles triumphantly- lol, these things take a while for me. xP A huge tea party might be fun, though. Especially with lots of sugar cubes to stack. =D
Ahhh... Well, considering I was in your place last year (I had a cough for nine months, four of which I could hardly talk through. 0o), I also see that that /is/ improvement, so... Wewt? You'll be well soon, promise. ^^
Indeed! Especially if they're the big, echoey kind. Or the cozy ones with lots of shelves of books reaching to the ceiling, and narrow hallways and enclaves to hide beneath. ^^ Or corners to burrow away in. <3
lol, that's brilliant. xD Well, we can just pretend that he's waiting for the opportune moment to read the book, with the most passion he can muster, ja? xP
Me, too! I just started using ':\' because of something this girl my friend knows said, and I vaguely remember picking up '=3' from an emo kid on neopets. 0o xDD And that one from a scene chick- again, on neopets. Word. xDDD
Well, it doesn't matter too much, I just hate mooching off of people. ^^; Like today... Shelly offered me a ride home from the Museum today because I would have otherwise walked, and I felt rather guilty accepting... although it was kind of scary, considering it was one of the few times she'd driven herself. xP Gotta add a bit of a thrill to the ride, I admit. ^^
Indeed! And splenda, for those [like me] who have to have something even /sweeter/ than sugar. xDD
It was kind of lame, I admit. Especially since the height of it was during my first summer doing Young Rep- an acting camp, of all things. -laugh- But meh, makes non-coughing days nice? xD
They're fun! If I didn't have so much blasted homework, I just might. Having homework, however, I simply choose to go online. xDD
Of course. x) xD
I almost never use the ":" ones, for some reason. I tend to abuse ^^, ^^:, =D, C=, D=, =3, x3, xD, and x) and their variations. xDD ...just like that. -smirk-
...Nope. xD Just her permit. Her mom was in the car, though. =3
Aww, that's so sad! =[ But hm... I have a headache right now. xD And splenda makes me think of tea. Perhaps I shall go make a cup of tea! -nodnods-
Yes, I suppose so. But still, I missed the meeting! D= Well, I'll definitely be there next week. =]
Ohhh... So that makes sense. ^^ It was room... 6-something? Well, I could always just knock at doors and see who opens; that may work, too. =P
No, it didn't seem to be... Although things are very strange now. Well, we've gotten things into the open- which is a start, at least. I'm gonna wait a little bit to tell you too much, though; we're still sorting things out, and until I know everything from Lexie's perspective, I don't want to say anything I might contradict later. But it was pretty much a lot of miscommunication.
Luke and Patti B? Were they the old IG supervisors?
I know what you mean exactly, though. I've met a lot of my close friends through extra-curricular things, like drama and girl scouts- and now lindsay museum as well. Most of the kids there are really cool people, and I guess they have to be, because being intelligent and friendly are part of the job. =P I'm really incredibly glad that I met you, though! It would have been hard to get through much of this without you, and besides that you're an awesome friend. ^^
Now this week, woo!
Room 106. The 1 at the beginning tells you it is ground floor, and the 06 is the more important part. It will be to the right of the room labeled as the Speech and Debate team's room. We usually have the desks set up in a circle type deal, so it should be easy to figure out the right room.
Eep. Miscommunication is a terrible thing. Hopefully things will be worked out soon.
Yup. They were the Sarahs of the museum, basically. :P Yeah, most of my friends I know from either the museum, homeschooling, or more frequently, from homeschoolers at the museum who introduced us to more homeschoolers. :P Yes, it was great luck being plopped on the same shift! And to think, I had been trying to avoid Thursday at the time! :P
Ah, okay. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Now if I get lost, it'll just be because I have no sense of direction... Not because I didn't /have/ direction. xDD
I hope so... She's just being so... annoying and hypocritical... -mumblegrumblesagain- She doesn't listen as well as she could, so she ends up complaining and whining about the same things... -sigh- I'll let you know more after I talk to her face-to-face. ^^;
Ah, gotcha. Ahaha, well, homeschoolers= own. Like seriously. Some of the best people I've ever known have been home-schooled at some point or another. =P
Aww, lameness! Well... I guess I had been, too. I dunno, Thursdays have always been that ~rainy~ day for me, I'm not sure why. Sure changed over the summer, though- since I had my shift on Thursdays again, and would walk over to Danielle's house afterward...
Merph, I wish we were on the same shift againn. But yes, we'll have to invite each other to parties and such... and then that whole 'off-line' concept of hanging out. Frightening, eh?
But hm, if the QSA meetings work out, we'll be hanging out on Thursdays again! =D -dances-
A sense of direction is really over rated, getting lost can be fun. Though it is better when you don't want to get somewhere soon. I think I got my love of accidental detours from mum...
:( Whining and complaining about the same thing? Blarg. You know... I have heard just about everyone who knows Lexie say that she is usually nice, but just a bit to hung up on her own whatever. I'd like to take a moment to blame the public school system. :P
Yes. There are a couple exceptions, but usually when someone is like "what? I'm cool, but I'm not a homeschooler!" if you wait long enough it will come out that they homeschooled for the first few grades or something. :P
Yes. Thursdays now are actually kind of cool. :) Though it is my longest day at DVC... Yes hanging out! I have a lot of people I haven't seen in ages, it is very annoying. Maybe once I recover from this flu like thing... (I am feeling better today, so I should recover pretty quickly) *crosses fingers* Yes, make it to the meetings! :)
Ahaha, /exactly/. I love wandering off... It can be quite pleasureful, especially if you find fun, random stuff that distracts you from your original goal! =P Although, you're right, sometimes you have to /be/ places... [pfftt, overrated! xD]
Mm, good idea. xD Yes, Lexie can be a really great friend, /usually/ is, which is probably why this whole -issue- hurt so much in the first place. I always placed her as that friend who I could always trust, you know? But hm... 'hung up on her own whatever'? I think I know what you mean, but I'm also very tired and could be confused. xP But yes, whatever it is, it's definitely the public school system's fault. -sigh- xD
Ahaha, /seriously/. That's how it is with a lot of my friends, really. Either that or they went to a charter school or something, so either way they weren't part of "the system". Seriously, though, being put in a desk from age five onward is kind of creepy when you think about it. 0o
Okies, okies, I must I must! ...I've just gotta beg my mom to let me go. ^^; Since I have modern at 6:30, she might be a bit hesitant to have to make special trips for me and such, but if I can get my brother to bike home instead... it should work out alright.
Hm, long days are fine. Well... Today was our "long day" at college park, meaning we stayed until three... kind of icky, but the classes are shorter since we have all of them today, instead of the usual block schedule. I dunno. I'm too tired to think properly. xP
Yes, hanging out with friends! I feel like I've been living in a bubble all of last year; I'm only starting to hang out with people outside of my immediate group again. xD It's fun, though, so long as I don't let myself get /too/ swamped with homework. -mumblegrumbles- Blasted homework. >< xD
I hope you get well soon! It sucks to have the flu, especially so early in the year. D= You have my syyympathies. -nodnod-
I pretty much always wander around DVC when the weather is cold enough to be pleasant, but not so cold it makes you want to be inside. Taking the long route is good for people.
:( That is always the most sucky. When you think someone is going "be there" for you, and suddenly they aren't. Yeah, I think you figured it out. :P
Very creepy! It isn't natural to spend so much time clumped together with only people your age and teachers...
Oh yes! Convince him girls love a well toned boy! The only way to get that is clearly biking home! :P
The whole high school scheduling system confuses me. I just find it a bit creepy. I've gotten used to planning out my own schedule at DVC.
Yeah... And now I am trying to make a guest list for my birthday. So hard! I'll add one person, and then think of someone that if I invite them I have to invite some other person... It is getting crazy.
Yes, the flu should be outlawed. Such a troublemaker. :P
Hm... Wandering around is fun. ^^ I think I know what you mean, though; coldish weather reminds me of the Berkeley library for some reason, though. -shrug-
-sigh- Especially when they're very two-faced about it. She acted perfectly normal at instances last week, and very icy/bitchy in others. Especially the things she said behind my back... But I suppose I forgive her now, although if she starts acting that way again... Well, I'll just keep my distance this time.
Exactly! Although sometimes you end up spending time with only your mom and brother, out of laziness, which could be bad, too... xP But I know what you mean. =3
Ahaha, I will try... Although he doesn't seem very interested in girls right now. -shrug- And usually goes biking with Marc and Phillipe... Hm... Maybe he could bike over to Marc's house, it isn't far from the school...
You're lucky. We have... Well, CP's schedule's a little more fucked-up than most: On Mondays, we go first period, third, brunch, second, fourth, lunch, and then fifth and sixth. 0o Then, Tuesday's it's First, Third, and Fifth, Wednesdays Second, Fourth, Sixth... I love how I randomly decided to capitalize... And then it repeats. We simply learn not to question it. xP
Ah, me too! Now that I'm friends with my 'group' again, I can invite a lot more people... except I got an invitation from Jamie, who I hadn't even considered for my list, for /her/ party, so now I'll have to invite her and her whole group... And prolly Cally because she's needy and she'll hear from Jamie... -hides- Or I'll just invite you, Danielle, and my girl scout friends. xD That could work, too. xP
Indeed! And now I'm afraid- I was randomly cold earlier today, and my brother's all, 'oh, I was like that before I got the flu this month' so now I'm all -hides- because it seems possible... No me gusta. >
Yes. Friendly, but careful, is good. Hopefully there won't be any more spats.
Yes. One cannot be too lazy or they will never meet people. And you will die old and lonely. :P
Hmm... Yes. Then he can hang out for a while, and everyone is happy.
...How do you ever remember that?
Oh that is annoying... People shouldn't cling together making it hard to invite just one. You know the six degrees of separation thing? Eventually you'll have to invite everyone. :P Keeping it small works too.
It was cold out... That could make you chilly.
You know, I haven't been to /any/ library lately... Or done any not-school-related reading in, well, ages. That's really sad. I should probably change that. xP
Ahaha, Lexie said pretty much the same thing to me, except about being selfish. xP But lol, this laziness thing... I think it keeps me from doing a lot of stuff. Oh wellll. -insert lack of smilie to reduce abuse of smilies- =D [...damn.]
Exactly! Except that, well, he didn't... So I just walked home. -shrug- It was a 45-minute walk, so I got to listen to most of your CD on the way back, and it was all nice and ~fallish~ so I actually think it was better than if I had driven. =3
-blink- ...I... don't... know. xDD Again: It's just one of those things you just learn not to question. xP
Mhmm! (three degrees, I think? But wait, that's the Kevin Bacon one, though... -contemplates- My head hurts. ><) Small... Yes, that might be a good idea, considering it's a tea party and all. xD Well, I'll work something out. -shrug-
...Yes, that, too. =P Which is probably why I'm not sick now. Yay! How are you doing, by the way? It's a bummer you couldn't make the meeting yesterday. =[
Me too. I actually have a fair amount of spare time this semester (for now, at least), so I really need to read more.
I abuse the sticking out tongue smilies. :P (<-- See? )
Oh, fall walks are nice. I should ask mom/whoever will be driving me home next to see if they would be apposed to dropping you off on the way. Since soon enough the cold spell will go away... Baking is only fun when it involves a tasty end product. :P
Ahh, okay.
Depending on who you ask it is either 6 or 3. I think 6, since there are like, recluses who don't see a lot of people. :P Possibly... Tea parties seem sort of best when not huge, but who knows!
Ummmm... Better? It has now been 8 full days, and I'm down to the occasional fever, and a lot of coughing fits (plus some running nose issues that drive me mad). But I am starting up on Azithromycin (for my ear infection and sinus issues, oh the joy!), and have two inhalers prescribed (Advair, and Albuterol), one to take twice daily, and the other "as needed", but neither seem to help much, so I've been relying on tea a lot. Hot English Breakfast tea with some honey is the only thing that helps the coughing. :P But over all I am feeling a lot better. :)
Lucky! Well, you get to read for me now. xP Danielle's still pissed at me because I borrowed her brother's copy of "1984" last January and still haven't finished it yet. xD I'm so close, too! It's just this accursed homework. -sighs- xP
Ahaha, that's okay. xP [see??? I'm catching on! xD] I've actually noticed that I /do/ adopt the smilies of people I talk to- and, amusingly, Danielle's adopted the sticking-out-tongue smilies through me through you. xDD Wicked.
Ah, you have a point there. But, unfortunately, I live in the opposite direction that you do- my house is more in the Pleasant Hill Park/Sequoia elementary-area, right before Pleasant Hill turns into Walnut Creek, so it'd be out of your way. Thanks for offering, though. =] I suppose when it gets hotter/colder, I'll just ride the bus. =3
Yes, I think six also. But no... I'm three degrees /from/ Kevin Bacon, that was it. -smiles triumphantly- lol, these things take a while for me. xP A huge tea party might be fun, though. Especially with lots of sugar cubes to stack. =D
Ahhh... Well, considering I was in your place last year (I had a cough for nine months, four of which I could hardly talk through. 0o), I also see that that /is/ improvement, so... Wewt? You'll be well soon, promise. ^^
Hehehe, okay. Apparently Dakota still hasn't read one book Brooke gave him to read like, a year or two ago. :P
Hehe. Wow. I use them way too much. I'm sure I picked it up from someone, too. I just can't remember who.
Ahh, okay. If really needed at any point, though... Only a few extra minutes on the trip.
Ahh, I see. Hehehe, sugar cubes! Mmmmm...
OMG! That is way too long.
lol, that's brilliant. xD Well, we can just pretend that he's waiting for the opportune moment to read the book, with the most passion he can muster, ja? xP
Me, too! I just started using ':\' because of something this girl my friend knows said, and I vaguely remember picking up '=3' from an emo kid on neopets. 0o xDD And that one from a scene chick- again, on neopets. Word. xDDD
Well, it doesn't matter too much, I just hate mooching off of people. ^^; Like today... Shelly offered me a ride home from the Museum today because I would have otherwise walked, and I felt rather guilty accepting... although it was kind of scary, considering it was one of the few times she'd driven herself. xP Gotta add a bit of a thrill to the ride, I admit. ^^
Indeed! And splenda, for those [like me] who have to have something even /sweeter/ than sugar. xDD
It was kind of lame, I admit. Especially since the height of it was during my first summer doing Young Rep- an acting camp, of all things. -laugh- But meh, makes non-coughing days nice? xD
Of course! That must be it.
Hehehe. I basically stick to ":/", ":)", ":P", ":(" and ":D", so the simple ones.
...Does she have her license? That sounds scary!
Splenda gives me a headache... I have to stick to the real sugar.
Oh yes! Now that I'm coughing less I appreciate it (being cough-less) a lot more!
Of course. x) xD
I almost never use the ":" ones, for some reason. I tend to abuse ^^, ^^:, =D, C=, D=, =3, x3, xD, and x) and their variations. xDD ...just like that. -smirk-
...Nope. xD Just her permit. Her mom was in the car, though. =3
Aww, that's so sad! =[ But hm... I have a headache right now. xD And splenda makes me think of tea. Perhaps I shall go make a cup of tea! -nodnods-
See?? xD
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