ooc ♔ permissions

Nov 04, 2010 22:24

★ First Impressions

☆ VISUAL: Like a boss Emperor. He has long blond hair. He wears a single turquoise bead in his hair that matches his eyes, because he's fashionable like that. He wears very baggy and loungy looking clothing, more like pajamas than anything regal. He also has sandles. He's on the tall side, and when he was younger he had a penchant for dressing like a cool snowboarding kid.
☆ AURAL: His voice is supremely confident, yet laid back and casual as well. He sounds like he's half between being serious and joking, but whatever he's saying he's absolutely sure it's the right thing and there's no doubt in his voice about these things. He speaks the Fonic Language, the same as the rest of his Tales of the Abyss castmates.
☆ OLFACTORY: The faint scent of rappigs (because while he does hang out with them a lot, his rappigs ARE royal ones, and thus less smelly than your farm rappig), incense and colognes and fine leather and whatever foreign or sweet food has grabbed his attention as of late.
☆ DEMEANOUR: His voice and his demeanor are very much alike. He is very laid back but has the utmost confidence and is completely sure of himself. He can seem lazy and apathetic and easily distracted at times, but he even carries these moods around as if they're perfectly right and legit. He carries himself as someone who is aware of who they are and completely comfortable with this fact, no matter what mood he's in or sucky choice he has to make.

★ IC Permissions

☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: Sure, why not! Everyone has to have their fun somehow.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: Oh, that would be awesome! Peony never gets to be involved in scuffles or battles. He would totally get a kick out of that!
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: It's doubtful, as Peony is still stuck on The One Who Got Away, but hey, if you have glasses, blonde hair and high intelligence, well, your odds are slightly higher?
☆ PSYCHIC & PSYIONIC INFORMATION: Peony has no psychic abilities of any kind. He has no shields, he has no way of deflecting any kind of invasion, so on and so forth. And while his confidence is completely genuine as his laid back demeanor and the way he sort of rolls with things and is fairly happy, there's also a boredom and frustration there as well and he'd be just as happy not to be Emperor if not for his Sense of Duty. He's fairly open minded and wouldn't think to really shield too much even unconsciously, so it would be pretty easy for anyone to get in there. Usually I'll be cool with whatever it is, just drop me a line first?
☆ MAGIC INFORMATION: Peony has no magic of any kind. He does however come from a world where magic is fairly common and widely used in a multitude of ways. He won't get freaked out by it being used, and having it used against him won't be that far fetched or out of place. It sort of falls under the category of physical violence. So hit him with whatever you've got :|b Also, as a note, the people of Peony's world are made up of fonons. Some people are able to channel these fonons for magical use. Peony isn't one of these types.
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: He's a healthy human male. He's 36, he's in good health. He eats well, he's well taken care of, he has the best doctors in his empire. He might be more out of shape than he was in his younger days, but overall he's in pretty decent health. He has most of the usual human weaknesses. Chasing rappigs all day though has to mean he has pretty decent lungs at the very least.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS: Jade is offensive and he is Peony's subject, so I'm not sure if that counts? Otherwise, Peony is pretty cool with rolling with just about anything.

★ OOC Permissions

☆ BACKTAGGING: Yes, please! I love backtags forever.
☆ THREADHOPPING: Usually yes, but with the standard rules of "if it seems serious or things, ask first," but otherwise yes, hop away!
☆ FOURTHWALLING: I love fourthwallings, so have at it!
☆ DO NOT WANT: I'm not a huge fan of things being overly drama or emo-fueled. I enjoy drama and things when it happens naturally and isn't the complete focus, but otherwise I'm not looking for anything too overwrought or purple. Otherwise, I think I'm cool with most things?

☆ ANYTHING ELSE? I think that's about it!

game; reality shifted, ooc; permissions

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