Feb 09, 2005 10:21
Here is a funny little story to start off the day. More for Krissy cause I know she is bored at work.
Last night was Mardi Gras and I was bar tending. This was the first time I actually got WASTED while working. We did a shit load of shots and karaoke. By closing time I was so shit faced my boss sent me home.
Brook drives us to jesse's and by the grace of god we got there. We go in, wake everyone up and the decide to go to bed. i make my way to the couch and get comfy.
Out of jesses room, brook storms. She says,"Hey our Pizza Hut is still in there!" I sprang from the couch to see if it was true and it was. We ate the pizza like it was going out of style and brooks goes to the fridge for more.
Our next victim was hot dogs. They started out raw but about halfway thru we found out there was a microwave. So we heat those bitches up. As they are cooking we stumble across some buns. And here my friends is the best part...condiments.
I put on your classic ketchup and I cant believe there is no mustard. We dig in the tub of random restaurant packets...none. Brook has this weird thing about peanut butter when she is drunk. She tosses it on her dog, bites, and falls in love. Then she slaps some on mine. It was really good at the time.
SO I think to myself if peanut butter is good, imagine it with jelly. We get out the jelly, dig in the fingers. PHENOMENAL!
Believe it or not we go back for more. Oh yeah, during the condiment catastrophe we are sitting on the floor in front of the fridge with the door wide open, legs holding it in position. Back to back for more. As I was sitting the I spotted raw bacon staring at me from a tupperware way in the back. We grab it microwave and mow.
Wash your feetsy...