Sep 13, 2005 10:34
After hurricane Katrina
after 911 i was an American, now i'm back to being black..
Its not my quote, but the second I heard it I felt it was right. Life is hard enough for everyone that isn't rich and or beautiful. I sincerely hate the race card and I feel it is played way too often. However, I also hate the Holocaust card, the Religious Right card and all the other cards that people play when they feel oppressed. Like I said, I don't like to see anyone do that crap but there are times when its needed.
I won't go into all the stuff you already heard. Katrina did a job on not only New Orleans but Alabama and Mississippi. People of all colors were and are still being forgotten. I'll play the race card because I believe it has a valid place here. However, I'll also play the Class card because reaction time did depend on who and what was damaged. It just sucks because for a while after 911 I felt one with my country. Despite my sever dislike for Bush. My chest bowed up when I saw the flag. I thought that maybe under the most stressful events the best can be brought out of even the worst of us. Now I'm just waiting in line to get some gas.
I'm kind of poor, I'm black and honestly I don't think America cares. Its not just about me. Its about those who can't do for themselves. Its those poor bastards who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.