Feb 03, 2005 18:06
What can one say? It’s been a while since I’ve written here and I’ve missed it. I have even considered taking some writing classes to improve my grammar and writing ability. I should have included spelling also but spell check is the sliced bread of these the otts. I can’t tell you what joy I get from writing. If you knew me when I was younger you’d be asking the same question as my mother did so many times. “How can someone that speaks English fail English class?” I wonder if any of you have heard that one before. Oh, and I did fail to mention one thing that most certainly will add insult to injury. My mother has been an English teacher since before I was born. You’d think I would have picked up on something from our daily proximity.
Anyway, I’m already trying to hard. As with everything in this world my writing will get better the more I produce. Lets hope so anyway. If any of you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing let me hear from you. It was also suggested to me that a creative writing class might help me. I’ve never taken one that I can remember so if anyone has taken one let me know what I should expect.
Make no mistake this is the return of the Space Cowboy. I’ve got a list of things I want to write about and can’t wait to do so. Lots of changes however many things remain the same. I believe that is just the way life goes.