I love it when white women start talking about how minorities and affirmative action are so bad. I just wanted to say that I think the best person should get the job. However, when you read those signs that say "Established or In business since 1918" or something like that, I always think to myself.... " Alot of minorities couldn't own businesses back then. The very fact that you'll never see more than a handful of minority business's showing such signs is crap. So when I hear the call for more opportunity for white men, I just cringe. Not only has the white man fucked the American Indian, African American, Japanese American and every other minority found on the face of the earth, but they've had their foot on the neck of white women as well. Wake up and smell the boot in your face. Below was something I had the pleasure of reading today, and my reply below that. Please read on....
hexkitten had this to say...
Just to stir up some unwanted debate...
I thought I would put my other beliefs on the table. Here they are.
*I think a lot of people who act PC are only doing it as an act. They are afraid someone will think negatively of them if they think differently, so they fall in line.
*People who have kids shouldn't be given better treatment over single people as far as taxes and the like are concerned.
*I get upset when people think you should know Spanish or whatever language because you have a Spanish or whatever culture's last name and then get offended when you don't, like you aren't supporting your culture.
*I am pro-gun.
*Pro gay marriage.
*Pro and anti-war.
*I don't like the points systems in colleges like U of M. I think you should get more points for your SAT then what race you are. I think you should get into college based on your grades.
*I think affirmative action is a joke. People should hire the best person for the job and this should be based on resume and skills, not sex or race.
*People should only have two kids max. It should be a law.
*I dislike people who drink or do drugs and act stupid or get arrested and then blame their behavior on the drugs, act like a victim and then everyone pities them for their weakness or addiction. Then they treat them like heroes if they beat the addiction.
*People who think DUIs aren't a big deal.
*I dislike the theory of the Noble Savage that seems to still lurk in our culture.
*Many times people get down on a work of art or writing done by a woman or minority. That isn't because those critiques are sexist or racist. It could be that the book or artwork just sucked.
*I believe the jail term for rape should be higher than non-victim arson.
*I believe it is unfair to support other countries, give them aid, free schooling and health care, while our own tax-paying citizens go without.
*Same with non-citizens getting gov't help.
*Same with prisoners getting free health care and more meals than many of our poor children do.
*I believe health care and college should be free in this country. It is in Europe.
*I don't like people who play the race card and act like all minorities are poor victims while all whites are rich oppressive folk. Same with woman who blame men with everything wrong with the world.
So there you go. Have a nice day."
"...I really think whites get the ugly end of the stick sometimes. We aren't all racist assholes. But I think everyone should have an equal shot at a college or job, because that is fair."
Well, well...., lets all say it together now....
White Power
When i was in college I once had a girl tell me that the only people being discriminated against are white men. I swear your cognitive pathways must be blocked or something. White women, such as yourself, hit the same glass ceiling as all other non-white males do. Don't fool yourself into thinking that your $8.35 to $15.65 an hour means anything to the "man". Affirmative action has helped white women more than any other minority in this country. Look it up honey.
So before you start calling for a better white america make sure to check your head, the ceiling is lower than you think. Taco