
Sep 01, 2004 17:05

Where did i leave off? ... oh. kay so yesterday I biked over to bec's house after tehy repeatedly tried to waken me by calling.... over and over again. so yeah ry was there! yipp yipp! and we hung there... i downloaded all these crazy songs for her, and did lots of shizit. then ry left to go to choir.... SCORE! hehe jokes i love you ry =) And then latz-er whit and jamie decided to walk over!! SCORE! (actually) and so we met em half way!! it was so good to see them! I love them sooo much! Great people ... havent seen jamie since school =)

Today was orientation! Fun fun fun.. nope. more like sitting in a line for 2 hours all for a crap picture for student cards and purchasing of adgendas and pricecards and yearbooks and such. but it was cool cuz i saw lots of ppl! And hung with Ley, Whit, Bec, Jamie and Alex the whole time =) and there were a lot of hot guys. adn i saw a lotof people either from dance, baythorn, baview glen, my old hebrew school, or camp! it was fun! i know a lot of people.. its crazed. and there was this hot guy behind us.. he was hot. That is all. heheh

Then i caught a ride back with Marla, kar's mom. (Thanks kar) and my mom wasnt home so i sat on my steps and read part of my new adjenda. I'm up to date on rules. how informitive. So... Instead of going school supply shopping with whit, ley and bec i had to go to Bec's uncle... my dentist, Dr. Nezon. Learnt that David Evans was there today too!!! I love david evans. He's the cutest kid. KAy, so. ..... Then my bro threw up in the office! He's been really sick lately.. like he's been crazily coughing and having asthma attacks. Fun for us>> he doesnt cover his mouth, ever. So he went to the doctor's and it turns up that he has whopping cough :| SO WE'RE ALL FUCKING QUARENTEENED!!!! GAAAH! we have tostay in the house... together... for a day till the medicine we ALL have to take settles in. Thanks darling brother. Gah. So I was SUPPOSED to sleepover with leah. Turns out i have to stay home and do nothing but stay on the computer or watch t.v. or hog up the phone for a day. Crapheads.

But while on the phone with ley i thought that maybe we could start a new epidemic! Like if my sis and iwould violate the quarenteen rules and shit... maybe we'd have a new sars! thanks to my adorable little brat of a brother. I mean.. we did see many ppl tonight. i mean the dentists WERE IN HIS MOUTH! so its supposedly really contagious (according to ley) so maybe if they get it, they're family'll get it.. and wherever they go they;'ll get it.. and so forth AND IT WILL NEVER END!!! thanks bro. You cause all the drama ever needed to make the world an entertaining place.
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