(no subject)

Jun 09, 2009 20:25

thus i will post my day from like.. 2 weeks ago.
so time consuming.. updatinglj.
MAy 29, 2009
day of taiko and skipping class o.o

wake up. play restaurant city.
late to class. .. RUN!.

took some math notes... skipped my next 2 classes

i talked to my dad the whole walk back to my room about how my extracurriculars are interfering with my grades...
and i denied it but in my heart i knew he was right.. HAHA

got back to my room to pack up for... SPRING CONCERT: seishun

walked down the halls of hedrick summit to the outdoors to go pick up dmitriy's keys from delta terrace

why hello dmitriy. he was conveniently off to the gym and i was off to Bcaf/puzzles to pick up lunch

i sat with my fish bag full of my taiko gear for the day and swiped a salad for jeff.
then sat and waited for crystal so we could get food from puzzles.

oh look time to move drums inside to de neve for our concert!... in like.. 6 hrs from this moment...

time to eat !! bbq chicken PIZZA WITH RANCH!

after sitting out in the hall for a while they let us move all our stuff inside woot!

we got our new kyodo taiko jackets!! what what.
and walked to the atm with them on haha

when we got back people were folding programs. cute huh?!?!

lights off!

hahaha they had to iron like.. 40+ hapi coats

don't be pointing yo marker @ me chuman

setting up for the songs... to spike and get the arrangement right. symmetry for the win!

the SPIKE KEY. our bible for the day


nessa's hairflip magical.

yeaa yeaaa more hair flippage hahaha

samantha and more spking

the spiking never ends!!!!

yellow boy with yello hachimaki
and crystal redoing hers

we ate pixistix while watching the yatai boys play with intense ab muscles

sci fi wasabi. all shime with the tap lights! fun!

i got a view from the back with monkey masumi

TIME TO GET READY!!!! so exciting. it was my first spring concert.. hehe

all dressed!
yui & me..
crystal & yuii

me & jeff.. my swing buddy
nessa and karen


ew sweaty after yatai!

almost full...

friends from home decided to come watch cause they're good friends. hahaha


time to go see frat friends


hello akp friends

jump aberchonbie jump!

ed ed su su and abraham

weird rock paper scissors game

happiness all around


me n lil bro who is older than me.... as are the rest of my lils....

dmitriy had no gas in his car so i refilled for him and then drove to norms to meet everyone!

lil bros!!

bounced early cause i had a massive headache... ughl..

wash up time to ktfo... so tired and headachy

this is my sad tired cranky face
@ like 2am

goodnight. haha

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