so I've been at the Mt Barker school for 2 weeks now, still settling in but gradually getting the hang of a new school (1.5 hrs in the car each day), staff expectations (very formal hung-up-on-appearances new principal, 'christian living' focus), teaching someone else's syllabus (planning that is densely complex and relies on the kids doing ALOT of HW) etc etc.
Sydney with the parents was nice, went into the city and saw the
Sydney Aquarium which was AMAZING especially getting to see the giant mantarays and sharks up close - still gives me awe-inspired shivers remembering it.
Got to catch up with a few friends on fri (HAPPY BIRTHDAY
moonlapse!) which was nice and hopefully not the last of my socialising...! I'm *trying* to learn to be more social and stay in touch with people so help me out here please!
Starting dragonboat racing with mark next weekend which should hopefully be fun, we may also be going to monarto zoo but simply getting to see him would be a nice start given we can only meet up once a week at most (and missed this weekend!). Once he moves back out of his mum's it'll help as I can stay over more...
Anyway, I was meant to go to bed ages ago, early nights for little miss teacher! Hope you are all fine and dandy - drop me a line sometime, it'd be good to catch up :)
*hugs like a squishy jellyfish and runs*