(no subject)

May 20, 2006 05:22

Let's see.. i should be asleep or studying... not on this website.

do i have anything to say? nope not really.

the weather is quite annoying and unusual. way cooler than it should be.

i still need a new phone. haven't seen anything that's caught my eye at all.

i have a stack of books...







(imagine me holding my hands that far apart)

...this high to read this summer. things that i've been putting off because i didn't want to start and then have to stop due to academic literature. this list includes and is not limited to *Cryptonomicon* by Neal Stephenson- *The Dante Club* by Matthew Pearl- *House of Leaves* by Mark Z. Danielewski- *Confessions of an Economic Hitman* by John Perkins- *The Notebook Girls* by those girls that went to my high school (just to see what in fact it entails)- *The Man of My Dreams* by Curtis Sittenfeld.

i would also like to finish *White Teeth* by Zadie Smith. without a doubt an enjoyable book, but i'm only say a quarter through and i've been reading it for what seems like ages (maybe two months??). life keeps getting in the way. all the above books except for the last one (cause it just got released) are sitting on my desk and collecting unhealthy amounts of dust. how many i'll plow through over the summer months is anyone's guess. maybe one. maybe all. maybe none. perhaps *White Teeth* is dictating my threshold for new information.


i've had this theory for months. maybe even years now. the theory is that my capacity for retaining information, old and new but mostly new, has been dwindling away. that perhaps i peaked too early.

i'm super cereal.*

yes, this may and can come off as rationalization to the untrained individual, but hear me out. there's two kinds of smart: the smart where you're able to analyze and solve things and the smart where you just have a hell of a good memory. the best kind of smart, of course, is not on this list and is in fact the one that combines the two and creates a well rounded intelligence so to speak. i feel that i represent the latter of the two. there are those who have argued with me and told me that i am selling myself short. but who better to know than i? i used to have a hell of a memory. i could tell you the first and last names of most, if not all, of my classmates from first grade and up. i used to be able to repeat things people said right back to them verbatim. i also had an uncanny knack for birthdays. my academic successes were just the direct effects of a finely tuned memory. math: ingest--> recycle. english: ingest--> recycle. social studies: (ha!) pure recycling. 12 years of recycling to be exact. if you learn it right the first time, you're good to go for like the five years. my point is (and it's an arguable point) a lot of things boil down to memory and the ability to retain tons and tons of information. the way i learned newton's laws in 5th grade and the anatomy of cell in 7th grade still linger in my head today whereas when i learned the same things in HS i was like "what??". Even if the memory theory is dashed to bits, i still think i peaked too early. which is pretty sad considering i'm probably not even a quarter way through my life yet.

as usual, i started with no point in mind, started rambling about something and still managed to lose the (implied?) point along the way.

i really should plan these things out better.

there's definitely suppose to be a picture at the top of this page. yup. a picture that's invisible apparently. i really need to learn how to edit these things. anyways, that is it.

memory; books;

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