Nothing is right when you're wrong.

Sep 06, 2005 18:47

So today was the first day at UWM. I can safely say that I'm kinda dissatisfied overall. Don't get me wrong, there were times where I enjoyed myself (well, one time), but overall, I felt out of place. Let's do a rundown of the day...

I left the house around 7, giving myself plenty of time to get there. After about a half an hour of driving, a pleasant thought comes to mind: "Fuck! I forgot my lunch." So ironic. The one time I actually pack myself a lunch, I leave it at home.

I got to my first class around 8:30, half an hour early. I decided to play my DS for a while, but seeing all the people skittering around looking like they needed to be somewhere made me feel a bit insignificant for some reason. So I only ended up playing for about ten minutes. My first class was about the history of TV and how it will eventually suck our minds dry and fill the empty space with numerous products from late-night infomercials. That class was fun because we just introduced ourselves and spoke about what TV shows we watched.

After that class, I decided to fill my stomach with foods from the cafeteria's Burger King. Woulda eaten for free if I had remembered my lunch. Stupid brain.

My second class, Drawing 101, was what I thought would be my favorite class. Turns out it's the exact opposite. We had to sit in these weird-ass bench type desks. It's like a one-person bench that you have to straddle and draw on a piece of paper right near your crotch. Truly a confounding piece of furniture that is as strange as it is uncomfortable; a literal pain in the ass, if you will. Also, it's not very nice when the teacher hands you a list of supplies that you need to get by the next class (Thursday) without any prior warning, especially when the cost of said supplies is in excess of $100. Once I got home I also found out that my parents, who said they'd handle all of my school expenses as long as I handled the financial aid after I graduated, would not be paying for my art supplies for no reason. When I asked why, I was told that they only needed to pay for classes and books and nothing else. They must've told me this when I wasn't around. Fuckers.

Third class, Art Survey, was okay, but horrendously boring. It was one of those giant lecture classes with an auditorium style setup. Nothing interesting went on in that class.

Afterwards, I checked to see where the bus was to take me back to the parking lot (the one a mile away where parking is free). I found one and asked if he was going to the one I parked at. He said no, so I decided to go on foot. Unbeknownst to me, the fucking prick was lying. During the nice long walk to my car, I saw that very same bus pass me about four times, each time stopping at my stop hundreds of yards away. I swear, he pulls that shit tomorrow, he's gettin stabbed in the jaw.

Hopefully the rest of the week won't be as shittytastic. Later all.


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