Holy Fuggin Jebus!!! A New Entry!!!

Sep 29, 2006 22:36

Quaz : Summer is over, you know what that means?

Wally: That for the first time ever, the transition from summer vacation to fall quarter will be relaxing?

Quaz : Well, I wasn't going to say that, but we'll go with that! Yes! It is! Well, sort of!

Wally: You see, for the first time, Scott had a full time job over the summer.

Quaz : SHUT YO PIE HOLE!!! We'll get fiared!!!

Wally: Quaz... It's not proprietary information that we're working at Northrop. Heck, we don't even have access to a single word's worth of secret knowledge.

Quaz : FIARED!!! Just cause you don't have a clearance doesn't mean you can talk about everything you do there!!!

Wally: Quaz, you're probably getting us into more trouble than I am. For God's sake, somebody from over there is probably going to be reading this fugging blog if we ever try to get a security clearance.

Quaz : FIAAARED!!!

Wally: In fact... What are some of the horrible things we've ever said in this live journal?

Quaz : Oh ho ho ho! You want me to repeat all of them! Well then, I'll start with my favorite! Fetus Fa-

Wally: When we try to go get that clearance, maybe we should clean up?

Quaz : Frick no! Freedom!!! Freedom to write random BS!!! FREEDOM!!!

Wally: I don't even want to think about the consequences of this decision... Moving on!

Quaz : We have four fugging computer classes this fugging quarter!

Wally: And that's how it's going to be for the rest of the year...

Quaz : Fugging SWEET!!!

Wally: Yes, it is pretty tight. Strange wacky math logic stuff that makes me feel like I'm in a programming class without the programming, a software tools and methods, most of which I learned how to use at Northrop.

Quaz : And then my two favorites, a project course in artificial intelligence (we'll be making a face reader), and a project course in computer game development. I've no idea how that'll turn out. This will be the most programming we've ever had to do in one year. w00t!

Wally: w00t indeed. I hope you're ready for some serious code slinging.

Quaz : Heck yeah...

Wally: What?

Quaz : What what? I said, "Heck yeah"!

Wally: No, you said, "Heck yeah..." The subtle difference in punctuation implies emotional distress.

Quaz : Well, punctuation hardly means anything. Look at me! I'm so sad! Isn't it so very depressing!!! Yeah!!! I just don't know how to bear with it all sometimes!!!

Wally: Stop it. Oh I know, you just don't want to admit that you'd rather be back with Tanti.

Quaz : Well, I do miss being with her... It'd be so much cooler to be studying with her... It'd be so much nicer to take breaks with her...

Wally: I know, I know. Well, not much longer right?

Quaz : Yeah, not much longer. I really can't wait.

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