Nov 06, 2007 09:49
1. What is one emotion you are feeling right now?
i have very mixed emotions at the moment. mainly drained.
2. Who did you hang out with last night?
no one.
3. Opposite sex on your mind?
hah, a few actually.
4. What are you currently doing?
sitting at my desk bored.
5. Have you kissed someone within the past week?
6. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
9. Do you miss anybody?
certain people, sometimes.
10. Any plans for tomorrow?
11. What is the last thing you ate?
uhhhh special K vanilla snack bites.
12. Is there a member of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
13. What are you listening to right now?
14. Are you a generally clean or messy person?
15. Have you kissed more than 3 people on your top friends?
i've kissed 3! haha.
16. Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?
crush maybe, yeah.
18. Who was the last person you called?
lindsay this morning.
19. Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?
i find them ridiculous.
20. What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
car troubles, guys are douchebags, people passing away, money problems, etc.
21. Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
i don't know. maybe lindsay or my family, if anyone.
22. Are you going to be alone tonight?
23. When is the last time you saw a movie in theaters?
uh...i can never remember this.
25. Have you smoked anything in the last week?
26. Anything you wish you could tell someone but cant?
lots of things.
27. What're you doing tonight?
going home, probably passing out after eating dinner alone.
28. What is one thing you can't wait for?
wednesdays and fridays.
29. How has the week been?
a bit dreary and typical. but fun too, so. mainly good.
30. Do you have a best friend?
lindsay tops them all.
31. Who did you get this survey from?
pat dunn on MYSPAAAAACE LOLZ!! (kidding.)
i called justin last night, he picked up. it was cool. we just talked for 5 minutes about random shit. it was friendly enough. he seemed a little....different. i kinda wanna hang out with him. just to see how it would be. idk it's weird...sometimes you'll always have some sort of connection with someone.
then i sat on the couch last night and thought to myself, when am i gonna stop feeling sorry for myself and stop thinking about these losers? when? or maybe i'm not feeling sorry for myself, maybe i was just lonely.
what's weird is when i was younger, i would have DIED to be alone ALL THE TIME. that's how i was/am. i guess maybe around my dad i felt that way? now that i have christine around and my friends around me it's almost like i'm forgetting how to deal sometimes. at least when i'm left alone ALL night long. literally, all night. which is also weird cuz....i've been going out a lot. so i can't make sense of why i get these extreme feelings of loneliness. but then again, i'll get too tired or lazy to see anyone anyway and just don't bother.
then i start thinking too much. and too much about people who i shouldn't be thinking about...ever.
ok so apparently a new secretary for tony is here at work....and i guess i smiled but she looked at me and i said hi, and she made a weird face and didn't look at me and said hi. ok bitch. fuck you. i'll take her down with my fucking stapler if this bitch looks at me like that again. i fucking hate women. not just men. i hate women too. so if i ever wanted to be a lesbian, it wouldn't work out.
lunch can't fucking come soon enough.