What the fuck have I been up to lately?

May 13, 2011 14:17

Man, the days have been running together for the past few weeks, and I've been basically a useless lump. I did manage to get two interviews, one Friday and one Monday, but I haven't heard back from either. Sent out a few more e-mails, not expecting to hear back from those. Same old, same old.

Let's talk about some fandom shit I've been doing instead. With terrible and stupid pictures!

Tiger & Bunny

Guys it is really kind of distressing to me that I am for once into a current anime, and I don't know anybody else who watches it. I wish I wasn't such a hermit! But this show is kind of amazing and I love everyone in it. At the moment Origami Cyclone might be my favorite even though he doesn't do shit yet, but I also really like Sky High because he is just adorkable. I'm trying to make some buttons already, but I do not know how I'm going to draw that stupid toaster helmet hahaha. But yeah, everyone should go watch this show on hulu so I have people to fangirl with!

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night

I've been playing Symphony of the Night more than Rondo of Blood because that game is fucking hard, especially if you're using Richter instead of Maria. I still have to get the good ending in that. I'm gonna say right now, the best thing about Rondo of Blood is in this stupid picture. Richter says that sometimes when you switch to him in the menu, and I snicker every time. But uh...yeah, just beat Symphony of the Night yesterday? It was weird, the lines were totally different from the PS1 version! I almost wanted to be disappointed actually. XD

From Eroica With Love

So out of almost nowhere I decide to spend my time reading a manga that's older than I am. That's how I roll sometimes. It was pretty amusing, though I think it had some good things at the beginning that it dropped along the way. It's kind of weird how they start out with these three supernatural kids and then just drop them and ignore them for the rest of the time, and also nothing else supernatural happens ever again. XD I'm more disappointed in James though, I wanted to like him at the beginning with his unrequited love for his master, but then he pretty much turned into nothing but a somewhat obnoxious running gag. Haha anyway, it's pretty interesting reading through really old manga like that. It's really pretty different from more modern stuff in a few ways.

Pokemon Black

Hahaha I'm still not sure why I got back into this, but I am once again compelled to run around shoving weird creatures into tiny balls. This musical thing is one of the dumbest minigames I've ever seen, I mean it's barely even a game. You do well and you get more idiotic accessories to torture your pokemon with.

Things I should be playing but am not


I'm not quite sure how I feel about this game. Parts of it seem really complicated, and I'm really not so good with that stuff. I am interested in the story, but I think I'd probably be happier backseat gaming on this one, but that's not really an option. So I guess I'm gonna have to go through myself. Except I keep getting sidetracked. Shit, I do not even know if getting anything at the casino store is even worth it, haha.

Valkyrie Profile

I really wanted to like this game, but somehow I'm having trouble getting into it. I think it's that I can't shake this feeling that I'm going to end up doing something wrong somehow, like sending somebody off before they're ready, I don't even know. Time limits bother me too, as much sense as they make to have. I really hope I can get back into this one eventually. I think I was only one or two chapters in.

There's probably like three more things that should be in this section but man, I think I've drawn enough dumb pictures for now.

persona, pokémon, tiger & bunny, valkyrie profile, art spam, from eroica with love, castlevania

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