Two day paycheck! But mostly video games.

Apr 16, 2011 12:32

So I have been at mom's work for the past couple days putting rubber bands around fliers and also stacking paper onto chip board. And I got paid for it, so yay for work! Sadly, I am pretty sure that job is over, but I at least got something for it. Still waiting on a check from freelance work. I wonder if I should have given them a paypal option. Oh well.

Let's talk about video games now.

Final Fantasy XII - Revenant Wings
Shannon lent me this while I was flailing about wanting new video games, and I kind of tore most of the way through it until it got hard. So I guess a bunch of grinding is in my future when I can get myself to pick it up again. I'm not sure how I feel about it, really. It's kind of weird, and a little silly. I guess it's okay, there is more Balthier to fangirl over, but not as much as I'd like. I guess I will try to beat it sometime, but I have since been distracted by another game in this post even though I meant to not start until I finished this one. Oops.

Final Fantasy Tactics - War of the Lions
Speaking of fangirling over Balthier, I finally found him! And omg you guys have no idea how thrilled this made me. He got a little animated cutscene and everything, which I must have watched like ten times since acquiring him. Sad, I know. His skillset seems to be Mustadio + piracy, which as far as I can tell is thief skills called "Plunder X" instead of "Steal X". I haven't been able to use them yet, so I don't know if they're at all different. I'm really sad I wasn't able to find him on my first playthrough, since now that I have him my last goal for this game is complete, and I don't really have any reason to actually use him. Boo. :(

Vagrant Story
Yeah, I totally broke and bought this after War of the Lions put me into Ivalice mode, but I only played it a little before getting distracted by other things, so I really should have resisted! Oh well. I forgot how ridiculously hard this game was. Only being able to do single-digit damage to bosses is really frustrating! I think when I left off I was stuck fighting an ogre or something with little success. I really should learn how to set up my weapons and stuff effectively I guess.

Shin Megami Tensei - Persona
I ended up buying this when Gamestop had some buy 2 get 1 thing going on. Because I only buy old games for the PSP since nobody makes any good new ones. It is kind of weird, and I am not sure how I feel about first person dungeon maze wandering. I am also really bad at negotiating with demons, since I basically just pick random options and hope they don't piss them off (which they usually do). I got to the other world and I guess I'm supposed to be looking for some mirror or something, but fuck that, Imma sit here and play video blackjack for an absurd amount of time. Shut up, Nanjo, this is important. :[

Castlevania - Dracula X Chronicles
I also got this in the 2 for 1 thing, and I meant to start playing it before Persona but it totally doesn't work! So I guess I am going to go to a Gamestop and see if they will trade me for another one even though I technically got it for free. I wanted some side-scrolling vampire action, dammit.

As a side note, the third game I got was Assassin's Creed II. Shannon has been playing that, which is great, because she had resorted to trying to collect flags in the first one, which is a meaningless exercise unless you are an achievement whore.

Okay, I need to finish getting ready to get out of the house so I can run errands or something. Going to Borders to scavenge, post office to ship buttons, maybe a Gamestop to see about Castlevania, and gotta go to the motherfucking bank like an adult. And then, more productivity! Or video games. One of those.

assassin's creed, persona, revenant wings, video games, vagrant story, castlevania

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