Temporarily employed!

Mar 25, 2011 17:20

So I have a job for a week! It is through a staffing agency, which I was pretty leery of at first, but they seemed pretty nice and understanding. Probably if the assignment was for longer I would not have accepted it though, for a couple reasons. The person I talked to described the security there as TSA on crack so I have to go through a metal detector every day. This is because it is for tagging diamonds and jewelry and stuff and they don't want anybody to steal anything, which is understandable but it still sounds really grating. But I can put up with that for five days, and hopefully I find something better soon, either through them or by myself.

It seems my first set of designs for that freelance job went over pretty well and now they want me to design an invoice. So I've got that to work on tonight and hopefully they like that too. It would be neat if this turned into something more job-like, but I don't want to count on it. I think it would end up only being part time, which is fine with me too.

After I left the staffing agency I got lost trying to get to Colleyville so I could go to my sadly closing Borders. I got three volumes of Deadman Wonderland and two of Bullets and Carnage for a little under $30. I was of course tempted by a lot more than that and will probably end up going back at least once more. I was a little sad they didn't have Ooku there anymore, I guess I will have to get those somewhere else, as well as the first two volumes of DOGS because they definitely only had 3 and 4. Not that I should be buying manga! But y'know. Store closing, I have to take advantage of it. Honestly, I would love to be able to buy everything they have left so I can keep it in a box somewhere until I can open a business of my own. :D;

And that was basically my day! Except for the part where I went to McDonalds craving a milkshake and their shake machine was broken. IT WAS TRAGIC YOU GUYS. Also those stupid angus burgers they have are actually not very good. :[

work, freelancing, manga, dogs, deadman wonderland

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