Jan 12, 2011 23:29

Guys I feel the need to take the time to express to you all how much I love the old Batman TV series. I am so excited that it is on most weeknights on the hub, which is a channel I have never heard of. Mom was excited because Doogie Howser is also on this channel (even though she never actually watches it) but seriously this is 100 times better than tiny Neil Patrick Harris.

Tonight's episode is called The Devil's Fingers, and the special guest villain is Liberace as a pianist/criminal. I missed the very opening, but was in in time to see Liberace looking faaaaabulous and talking to Commissioner Gordon about the security at his concert. Of course Gordon calls Batman, and is informed by Alfred that he is on vacation for once. (Bruce is apparently on a camping trip with somebody, and Dick is later seen at a malt shop making gaga eyes at a girl)

Gordon's reaction to this basically makes my new retarded icon (pretty much the only thing I have produced all day) exceedingly appropriate. It's a miracle the Gotham police force can tie their own shoes without the caped crusader there to tell them about rabbits running around trees and jumping in holes. But anyway, Gordon promises Liberace that he'll take care of security at the concert, which he does by FINGERPRINTING GUESTS AND SETTING UP MACHINE GUNNERS. Complete with barbed wire and sandbags. I shit you not, his exact words were "At the first sign of criminal activity, make every bullet count!" We are on a serious terror alert at this here classical music concert!

Later after some sort of shit goes down that I'm not exactly clear on other than it involved dancing girls and smoke bombs we see Commissioner Gordon messing with like seven jars of different color pills on his desk just before Bruce calls him to inform him Batman's back in action, I can only assume narrowly preventing him from going on a serious drug binge.

So yeah, there's some stuff about the famous pianist having a gangster twin brother that's blackmailing him, and apparently pianist!Liberace's plan to pay him off is to woo Dick's aunt and thereby gain access to the Wayne fortune? I'm not sure how that would even work, but whatever. But at the end of the episode Batman and Robin are *GASP!* tied up on a machine that promises to do them bodily harm, where I assume the villainous gangster!Liberace will leave them without supervision so they can escape by some ridiculous means other than I don't know, rolling over off the conveyor belt that they are not physically attached to.

It is possibly ridiculous how excited I am to see what amazing feats of logic the dynamic duo graces Gotham with once they escape. I really do need to remember to tune in tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel to see what further shenanigans arise. Maybe I will return to update the land of LJ on this batshittery. It's truly a shame that this series isn't out on DVD yet because of some legal ownership bullshit!

lolwut, i am a dork, batman

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