wtf, December.

Dec 10, 2010 09:51

omg this week has been kind of ridiculous. For the past three nights we have been out late. Tuesday I was an idiot and locked the keys in the car because they fell off the keyring without me noticing, and Shannon of course picked THAT DAY to leave her phone at home so we couldn't get in touch with her until she got there from where she works in Addison. It was all so very stupid. Wednesday we went to Walmart for some grocery type things. I get the feeling we meant to get other things there but we really didn't, except for ending up with socks. That at least felt more productive than waiting around not being able to go anywhere though.

Yesterday was kind of fantastic because we went to Super H Mart, which apparently exists in Carrollton! It's a huge Asian grocery store with some other random little stores inside here and there. There was a kind of awesome looking bakery and a place with some really cute coats that I seem to be trying to convince myself not to be too cheap to buy because I do need more coats. I really wish we'd gone to one of the restaurants while we were over there, but nope, we left and ended up at Chili's, where I couldn't even eat much, probably from disappointment after being surrounded by Asian food. That's what I get for not saying anything though. Anyway, we pretty much want to move to that area now so we can shop there all the time. And that whole closer to where everyone works thing would be pretty awesome too. I wish I could spend time at work looking for houses or apartments or whatever, but it turns out I'm really terrible at it, and every time I try I just feel really stupid.

And now my dad is e-mailing me asking if I want to go shopping after work today (instead of replying TWO DAYS AGO when I asked if he wanted to do stuff sometime on a weekend or something) and it just seems like it would be really out of the way for him, especially so late, and he'd have to pick me up somewhere and drop me off back at home because we have a 3 person carpool going on here and other people have stuff to do! He also suggested I go down to Granbury for the weekend, but we already have plans to go shopping tomorrow (though they really need to get more concrete) so I'm not about to go run off somewhere. It's not just because I really kind of hate going to Granbury and without Kyle there to distract him by playing video games and stuff there's just me feeling awkward and not knowing what to do because um, I don't play the kinds of video games dad does! I find most of them exceedingly dull, honestly. So I guess that leaves me in the corner with my laptop, hating dogs and wishing I was somewhere else. I feel bad, and I don't want to be such a horrible daughter, but I don't know what to do.

Anyway. I have actually been kind of busy. (not at work, of course, it is still boring here) I kind of can't believe christmas is in two weeks already, that seems ridiculous and a little terrifying somehow. I'M SORRY EVERYONE WHO ASKED FOR CARDS I really don't know if I'll get them out in time. XD And I can't work on them here, because the colors on my monitor are shit and every time I look at things I color here when I get home, everyone looks like zombies or something! I don't think they'd want me to bring my laptop in to work because that would be me obviously not doing stuff for they think I'm doing much for them now? I don't even know.

But yeah, I guess I will get back to all the nothing I do. Too tired and braindead to even try to study, ugh. And my back has been ridiculously sore lately, which makes me really sad. I really wish we had a bathtub that wasn't in mom's bathroom and therefore completely disgusting! But probably even if we did I would fail to use it ever, so.

shopping, christmas, getting out of the house, real life, fail

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