Cookies, and how I am a snob about them

Oct 16, 2010 13:03

It has come to my attention that I am some sort of cookie snob. As you may have heard, my brother recently sent us a batch of pumpkin cookies. (also a pair of my pants that he stole when he moved) These cookies are almost gone now, and I had one of them. I don't think my mom ever got any. This is because our roommate Shannon, due to being recently unemployed, has been in the house with them all day and eating them. Apparently she felt bad about this and decided to make replacements. Herein lies the problem. It seems she found a recipe somewhere that is basically "Find chocolate chip cookie dough mix. Add pumpkin." Really? Really? That's what you want to replace cookies that were probably made completely from scratch with? Maybe I'm a bitch, but that's not an acceptable answer. If you are going to go to the trouble to make cookies, you should go to ALL the trouble. None of this cheap-ass bag mix shit. That's only slightly less lazy than just buying a package of Chips Ahoy at the store. Even better? She couldn't find a small can of pumpkin, so she got a big one and threw what she didn't need away. We could have made pumpkin pancakes or something, but no, apparently not!

Anyway, yeah. Every time somebody makes cookies from bag mix or the ready made dough (which is MUCH better raw) I end up not really liking them much. And there's still packages of chocolate chip and oatmeal cookie mix on the counter, and not want. The way I see it, if you're going to make something not strictly necessary like cookies, you might as well make them damn good cookies. If you're going to just be lazy, go all the way and buy a package of them. One way or the other, none of this in the middle stuff. But hell, I don't even like Chips Ahoy, and usually the cookies from the grocery store bakeries aren't very good either. It's not like I don't like store-bought cookies at all, just not the ones you can pretty easily make yourself. I love Nutter Butters, and Oreos are pretty good, and everyone likes girl scout cookies.

I'm probably a total bitch for complaining about cookies, especially since I haven't even tried the pumpkin ones yet, but I just felt the need to get my cookie feelings out. I don't know if it's bad that this mindset doesn't apply to like, cake. I've never made a cake from scratch, but for some reason it seems like it would be a lot harder than cookies. And the mix is okay, but I'm not really a cake person in the first place, so.

I'm going to try to convince myself I should get out of the house today like I meant to, though I doubt I can do everything I wanted to. But first, breakfast! With pancakes NOT INFUSED WITH PUMPKIN.

i'm a bitch, cookies

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