Jun 17, 2010 16:32
Well, this is fan-fucking-tastic.
So my desktop? The one that I was using yesterday to make some rough button designs for later refinement? It decided today that it no longer works. I can't even start up XP in safe mode. Something about a missing shlwapi.dll or something. As far as I can tell from poking around the internet, there is fuck all I can do about this without an XP recovery disk, and since XP came loaded onto my computer in the first place, that is something I do not have. And even if I did, I wouldn't be confident in my ability to fix the problem. It all sounded very technical, ugh.
It is lucky that I have this laptop now, as without it, I'd be pretty much completely screwed. But there are some problems.
My laptop does not have Adobe Illustrator or InDesign on it. These are things I use to create buttons and signs.
My laptop runs Windows 7, which is fantastic except for the part where my scanner does not have drivers that will work with it.
What this means is that my productivity as far as artwork is at a complete fucking standstill. I still have no tablet, so I still can't draw or color on the computer. If I draw or color off the computer, I can't get an image of it onto the computer other than a crappy photo. I can't take commissions if I can't get the commissioned images to the people asking for them. (Of course I wish this was a bigger problem than it is, but as things stand there have been a grand total of two people who have ever commissioned me outside of a con.)
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do about this shit. I cannot afford to take it in anywhere, and even if I could, I'd probably be leery about doing so. If I could afford a new, more cooperative scanner, I could probably afford a tablet, which is a much bigger priority. As for those programs...hahahaha, are you kidding me? I'm guessing there are some reservations with my new laptop I need to get rid of.
Ugh, this is so frustrating. I don't even have anybody I can talk to for a while to distract myself from it. I guess all I can do is keep looking for solutions, but I'm starting to feel my time would be better spent blowing off some steam with some video games. Sigh.
i'm screwed,
computer issues,