Another long post! Yeah, I know, I'm slow. :B

Jun 08, 2009 00:40

For some reason I'm finding it exceedingly hard to get back into the swing of things after A-kon and all that. I've been kind of antisocial and not really talking to anyone much or getting caught up with posting or anything. There's distractions happening though, since we apparently just got a new roommate, which is kind of weird. He's one of mom's friends, and he brought over two cats and a whole bunch of stuff, including a gigantic tv and surround sound that's set up in the living room's really kind of intimidating. I never really know how to work that kind of set up, especially when there's like three different remotes that despite all their buttons only do a couple of things each. It's kind of ridiculous, but apparently I can play video games on a big widescreen tv now? Except I'm really not a power gamer, so I'm not really all that impressed...and also if I play something that doesn't have a wireless controller I have to sit way too close to the thing because of the setup. Max doesn't like the new cats and keeps hissing at them whenever she sees them. Mostly one of them, because he's been exploring more while the other one just hides. Mr. M seems pretty chill, though he has gotten into a couple kitty arguments. Mostly he has an air of "Oh great, more stupid kids. Sigh." But yeah...I'm not sure how this arrangement is going to work out, but I guess I'll try not to feel too awkward? :\

Working kind of backwards here, it's time to write about what ruviela and I did after A-kon was over! Basically the day after we got back from the con was pretty much just chilling out and trying to recover...except we might not have done such a good job since we ended up staying up reeeeally late playing Fatal Frame 2. XD Or, Bianca played, and me and Shannon watched. We got really close to the end, and thought we could finish the game, but eventually we decided we were dying too much (as in REALLY TIRED, not eaten by ghosts, there was actually only a little of that) and had to quit. (She eventually made it through the rest of it sometime the next day after Shannon had left, so I saw a couple endings of that game I guess? :D; )

Tuesday was pretty much the big tourist day, since we went to Fort Worth to do a bunch of stuff. We met my dad at Tokyo Cafe for breakfast/lunch/whatever, and then went off to the Japanese gardens to wander around and take pictures of pinky dolls and lizards and fish. After that we went over to the Kimbell and ended up going to the exhibit they have up about love in Renaissance art or something. They had a rather fascinating section requiring probably more maturity than we were able to give it, too. :D; There was some fangirling of architecture both there and at the Modern, where I had never been before, but it seemed pretty cool. We got there kind of late, so we got to go in for free to zoom through the exhibits just before they closed. It was pretty fun. I almost never go to museums myself for some reason, probably because I am cheap, lazy, and have no social life...though I might count creepy museum guards standing around watching you accusingly like they expect you to do something wrong as another reason not to go. >_>

That...was pretty much all we did. We kind of bummed around the house the next day, too. I tried to play Silent Hill at some point because Bianca said she wanted to see it...buuut it turns out I am terrible at it, and should have been on easy mode. :D I used soooo many health items before I even got to the stupid school, and then I got knifed to death. I felt kind of bad for not doing anything else, but we were kind of worn out from the con and stuff, and also, I still have no idea what there is to do around here! :x I'm a terrible hostess! D: But um. Once mom got home she dragged us out to La Hacienda Ranch, because somebody told Bianca that she needed to get Tex-Mex foods while here, and I think that place alone was enough culture shock to make up for all the non-touristing. XD; I had never been there myself, so I was kind of shocked as well. It was extremely rustic. :D;

And then I had to take Bianca back to the airport the next morning and was sad. D: I think we should have done more, omg. I really need to figure out how to plan things better, and also possibly invite people over for not a con weekend, since that pretty much kills us. XD; Maybe next time we can go see the biggest gold Buddha statue in the country, because it is apparently in Keller for some reason? XD

I guess that pretty much catches me up...I need to get motivated again though. My summer class should start soon, and I should also be running around putting in applications as if there were a chance in hell of me getting a job anytime soon. Sigh. More depressing, bitchy entries to come soon, I'm sure!

(Also "Yullen week" is over, HALLELUJAH!)

roommates, i'm slow, omg, video games, tl;dr, museum

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