Memes go here!

Mar 25, 2009 00:56

Got some memes from distorted-r. As it turns out, today we will be talking about certain characters from Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia.

Meme #1
1. Post and I'll pick one thing off your interests list and ask you five questions about it.
2. Post this on your journal so you may do the same to your friends.
3. Hopefully we will learn more about each other and new fandoms!

Um...I'm really terrible at thinking of questions, so don't get your hopes up for this one. :D; And, hell, if you'd like to ask me about different things in the comments for shits and giggles without otherwise participating, feel free. That goes for the second meme, too.

About Zelos Wilder:

1. I remember people used to say they mistook Zelos for a girl when they saw him on the cover. Did you/do you think he really looks that girly?
I have never thought Zelos looked like a girl. Even long flowing hair and supergay pink overcoats cannot hide his manliness! Orrr I'm just really used to looking at pretty anime boys. :B

2. Who do you ship Zelos with and why?
Uh...Regal, sort of. Possibly mostly because it's hot. And I really like Regal. I think...sense in it can be found. Somewhere. But I saw this one Japanese fanart site, and omg.

3. Why do you feel going the Zelos route is better or more canon?
The Zelos route where he's your bff? It's obviously better for more Zelos scenes/backstory. Though probably Colette is about as canon as it gets. But Kratos route is worth doing at least once, because I'm a sucker for seeing my favorite characters suffer, much to my muses' chagrin.

4. Favorite costume and what kind of costume you'd like to have seen added?
That vest/ponytail bit that was only in the PS2 version looked like it was pretty hot...but I really like his formal attire. As well as the EPIC PIMP HAT. I don't have any real opinions on what I would like that's not there, so I'm going to make random shit up on the fly. I think everyone should have had pirate outfits. Why should Lloyd get all the fun?

5. Who's the more awesome Chosen? Ok, to be more serious, if Tethe'alla were the dying half instead(with no other changes) do you think Zelos could have done the job? Why or why not or what do you think would have happened?
This is actually something I've sort of thought about before, oddly enough. Well, Zelos is obviously full of awesome, but I kind of doubt he'd be able to pull it off. But it would probably have made for a very interesting and possibly much darker story, I think. Um, I like angst and torment and conflict, hi.

Meme #2 - A character meme.

In which I talk about Ramirez from Skies of Arcadia...let's see if this gets me defriended from the only people I know who've played the game. XD; Honestly, I only remember what was going on with him's been a while since I've seen him, and I had to hop over to wikipedia to skim through for a refresher.

01 → Do you like this character?

Honestly? I don't give two shits about him. Silver-haired overpowered prettyboy villain with a mysterious past, full of angst and misguided rage, that is nothing but JRPG par for the course. Take another drink if he starts out as a subordinate and ends up being more important than who he works for. Chug it down if he turns out to be the final boss. He really doesn't interest me in the slightest. SORRY EVERY OTHER SKIES OF ARCADIA FAN EVER.

02 → What name/s do you call this character?

I really don't call him anything. Asshole, maybe. But I do that with any boss fight that kicks my ass, I think, so that's nothing special either. I was calling Vize and his bitches that the other day.

03 → What image/color do you associate with this character?

I don't. See, I'd have to think about him at all in order to have associations.

04 → What image-song do you associate with this character?

Um, I don't associate songs with people very well. Even the ones I do care about.

05 → What blood-type do you think this character is?

You know what I don't know anything about any of that blood-type stuff so I really can't say.

06 → Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?

Don't care enough to ship him!

07 → What would you want to say to this character?

Get over yourself, jerkwad. :[

08 → What do you want to do with this character:

Ignore him and obsess over minor characters like Domingo and Lawrence?

09 → Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.

NO. :D

skies of arcadia, tales of symphonia, zelos, i'm a bitch, meme

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