
Feb 28, 2009 23:20

So I have finally gotten myself to get into studying Japanese! Found a few nice online resources for it, too. I'd be a lot more proud of myself if it weren't for the fact that what I really should be doing is busting my ass with this design project...I did get a bunch of stuff done this week, but it's still not really good enough...hell I've got two whole illustrations that don't even exist yet, and also a burning tree that is just full of fail. Still need Japanese text to really get back into reworking the pages, but it's not like there aren't several other things that need my attention.

Anyway, I just thought I'd post some links and stuff here...I don't know how many of you might find these useful, but there they are.

Jisho - A really good online Japanese dictionary, with kanji and everything.

Livemocha - My brother showed me this one...kind of a multi-language learning community. The lessons are a little broken, though. It does, however, feature some pretty hilarious stock photography, including one I seem to have dubbed "Douchebag McMoneybags." 私はびんぼうじゃありません。私は金持ちです!

iKnow! - Just started playing with this site again...it's nicely designed and good for learning vocabulary. Users can make their own lists to share with people, too. This one's my favorite right now, and I kind of want to go back and play with it more.

Lang-8 - Sort of a livejournal for foreign languages? You write entries in whatever language you're studying and other people go in and correct them...I'm not nearly confident enough to write even a couple of sentences in Japanese right now, though. Maybe I'll try later.

Tofugu - An interesting looking blog on Japanese language and culture...I actually found a couple of these other sites by stumbling across an entry here through Google.

But yeah...there is that. And I still feel like studying, but I really do need to get back to work...I don't even have a cover designed, and typography is giving me issues, because I suck. :p I might need to find someone to talk to to keep me working. It helps, I swear. Keeps me from wandering off somewhere else.

japanese, links, comm design, fail, procrastinating

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